Chapter 1

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It's been 3 days since Kyla disappeared. The Police have been use less besides finding her car crashed into a tree on the side of the road. Other than that they haven't found anything and something tells me they won't.

While the Police search aimlessly, the people talk. Some say maybe she tried to get to the party but died trying, others say maybe she had a plan to run away from her parents and this is just part of it. I disagree with both of those rumours. Mainly because I know Kyla and they don't. This isn't something she would do.

Firstly, if she was injured, she would have called 911 or somebody for help. She wouldn't try to make it to the party knowing how far of a walk it would be.

Secondly, even though her parents are a bit rough, she wouldn't run away without saying goodbye. Even if she did try to run away, where would she go too? Theres nothing out there for us. We're lucky enough that they saved us and salvaged what's left of the world. Everyone will forever be in debt to them. For creating our loop, saving what was left and making our life out of it. Without them, the human race would be instinct. For that, we are forever in debt. For that, no one questions them. However now-

"Stephanie? Stephanie? Dear, are you ok?" Someone asks snapping their fingers in front of my face. By doing so they bring me out of my swimming thoughts and back into reality. I look up from my blank sheet of paper into a pair chocolaty concerned eyes.

"Hm?" I say still in the shock of reality.

"Oh my should see the guidance counsellor. I know what you've said before but you obviously have something on your mind. It's not healthy to be carrying all those thoughts alone. Are they on Kyla? I know what a strong connection you two had." Mrs. Lint says quietly like if she's too loud I'll break.

Before I respond I fix my face to a smile.

"I'm ok, no need for counselling. I appreciate your concerns though. I'm just struggling with this unit." I say being a little truth full. There is no need for counselling, and I do appreciate everyones concerns but they they're starting to get old and irritating. I'm also not struggling with this unit at all. History, while it's boring, is an easy A. They just talk about the stages of how 'They' saved us. It's the same thing every year.

"Alrighty, if your struggling we offer tutoring during lunch if you want to sign up for that." She says softly standing up from her crouching position. That's when I notice that the rest of the classroom is empty. Class must have ended already and I didn't notice.

"Class ended 5 minutes ago, next class has already started." She says taking a seat at her desk. My eyes widen, I'm late for English?! That's not good, Mr.Crain is super strict! I'm so screwed.

"Oh don't worry about Mr.Crain Dear, give him this note. It's from me telling him I held you back to talk for a minute. If theres an issue, tell him to talk to me." She says with a crinkly wink. I nod, some of the anxiety leaving my system. I take the note with a simple thank you and leave the classroom.

As soon as the door clicks shut, I bolt. Running in the corridors isn't allowed, but note or not, I don't want to waste my time getting to his class. I get their in a minute. Usually it takes me 5 when walking.

I give his door a nervous knock. It opens a split second later to reveal a very unimpressed Mr. Crain.

"Miss Booker. Mind telling me why you're 7 minutes and 36 seconds late?"

My chest heaves as I hand him Mrs. Lint's note. He crumples it in his fist and looks at me with narrowed eyes. Seconds pass by...minutes...then he finally steps aside.

"Hurry up and get seated. Don't delay your peers learning further." He grumbles. I nod and scan the room. One empty seat. It's beside the window and... oh of course it just had to be Liam Cornish. I slide into my seat and avoid all eye contact with Liam. He is the most irritable person on the planet. He has the intelligence range of a damn rock and is the most jokiest person to ever exist. All muscle and no brain. Maybe thats a bit harsh, but sometimes the truth hurts.

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