Chapter 14

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I walk through the door and the moment I'm out, it slams shut behind me. I don't recognize this hallway though. It's not the same, it's changed just like Kyla said it would. It swerves right and I follow. The lights don't go out behind me this time which is odd. Am I not in the game yet? 

I walk aimlessly for what has to be 10 minutes before I reach a dead end. There were no doors on the way down. What the hell? I spin around seeing  if I'm missing anything but all I see is brick. 

Before I know it theres is ear splitting sound of brick against brick that erupts. The bricks start changing as one flys straight for my face. I duck with a squeal. That was close! Soon they're all flying in different directions paying no mind to the fact that I'm here. I swear for 5 minutes all I'm doing is jumping, ducking and side stepping so I don't get hit with a brick. After I've finally broke a sweat, they stop. 

Taking a deep breath I look at my surroundings. It's completely changed. Theres a new hallway going left and my back is to a wall. The hell? I know Kyla said they change the hallways but I never knew they would do it when people are here. 

I guess theres no going back, my exits been sealed and I don't know this place well enough yet. I continue my path down this hallway but theres no doors, again. I can't loose hope, there has to be one! 

I start on a low jog down the winding hallway and to my surprise theres a door! A metal one but a door none the less! Before I touch the handle it opens. This thick metal door creaks open and on the other side is what looks to be an operation table. Oh hell no! I turn quickly and run back. 

Someone's voice echo's down the hall  "Tsk tsk we want a repeat of earlier...?" They ask. I know who it is immediately, that blasted cat! I ignore him and run faster. This only makes him cackle with happiness. Before I know it I hear footsteps from behind me. Shit he's coming! 

"LET THE GAME BEGIN!" He yells. 

I can't get caught this time! As if on cue, I hit the brick wall that I started at. It' a dead end...nononono!! I turn around slowly to se him walk around the corner, his poisonous green eyes wild with excitement. 

"You are by far my favourite you know that Stephanie....always making things so interesting." he claims with a smile. One that will haunt me for the rest of my life. The drum of my heart makes things hard to hear as I try looking for a way out of this as he inches closer.  

"Come quietly and there will be no need for a chase..." He says slowly with he arms outstretched. Once I don't reply he sighs. 

"Theres no where to run, you'd be a fool to fight me." He states. He's got to be at least 6'2 maybe more. Maybe I can use that to my advantage. I dart to his right and slide on my knees right past him. Yes! Then I see I'm speeding towards a wall. A wall of legs. Shit shit shit! How is he that fast!? Before I hit him something grabs my head and swings me towards an actual wall. My back smacks against it knocking the breath out of me as my vision goes blurry. 

I watch as his fuzzy figure crouches in front of me and then a huge needle full of clear liquid. 

"You'll just feel a pinch, don't try to move." he says quietly in my ear. Before I have the chance to move theres a huge pinch in neck. The breath is stolen straight from my lungs from the pain.

"Sorry but we had to get it the closest to the brain as we could." he says again brushing my hair out of my face. Once he pulls it out, black fogs my vision and soon everything goes numb. My thoughts get scattered and suddenly I forget whats happening and where I am.  This handsome man smiles at me and says "See you soon Stephanie..." before tiredness consumes me into darkness. 


I wake up with a start, my thoughts all mushed together, my vision still blurred. I try to move my body and it's not that I can't but more like somethings restricting me. I twist my wrists and it rubs up against leather binds. Same with my ankles, waist, and forehead. They've got me completely locked down. Shit. I feel my skin against metal and I'm reminded of that metal table I saw through the door earlier. No no no no this can't be happening! skin is touching that can't be possible the last thing I was wearing was a jumpsuit. I strain my eyes to look down at my arm and see that its bare. Wait- did he undress me!? I can't even fathom the fact that that creep saw me naked! 

"Calm down, you have a sports bra/short tank top on and small shorts. We want pretty much all your skin to show for this game but were not so disgusting that we would leave you completely naked." He says but I can't see his face. I can only see the yellowing ceiling  above me. Thankfully my vision has gone back to normal. 

"What are you going to do?" I rasp.

"Oh I'm not going to do anything, I was just dropping you off. This is Shawns specialty." He says and someone else leans into my line of sight. He has black hair with neon purple tips, and practically pitch black eyes. He gives a wicked smile and for a second I'm curious if he can transform too. 

"W-what do you change into?" I rasp again. He gives a low chuckle. 

"Unlike Alex..." he gives a glance somewheres else where assume the black cat guy Alex is. 

"I don't transform...but that doesn't mean I'm powerless..." He leans in to my ear and his hair prickles my forehead.

He whispers  "I can enter peoples heads and mess with their thoughts...but I also have a raging curiosity for how things tick...." and he swirls a string of my hair around his finger. He rears back away from my face and then leaves my vision. 

I hear him talking with Alex for a moment and then a shutting of a door. I hear the lock click in place meaning Alex has left. 

"Let us test how strong you truly are, shall we?" He says walking over into my vision again. 

Suddenly I start to move, or more like the metal table does. It stops when I'm in a sitting position. How is that even possible? 

I look around taking in my surroundings fully this time. Theres Shawn in all black with a white apron. Over in the corner theres a desk with a bunch of tech. Right beside Shawn is a tray. A tray full of different shapes and sizes of  knifes. Oh shit shit shit! My eyes widen and Shawn notices with a smile. 

"You like my baby's? There here to help me test your limits." He grins. He stands up and walks over to an old rusted sink  on the other side of the room and grabs a cloth. He folds it a couple times and runs it under water. After ringing it out he turns to face me. 

I feel something slither in my thoughts and immediately know it's him. 

"Get out of my head!" I Yell, or so I think but nothing actually comes out. He read my thought of what I wanted to say and stopped me from doing so. "You jackass!" I yell mentally. He ignores me and stalks over slowly. He's fingertips graze my forehead as he takes off the binding restricting my head. I twist my neck with a satisfying crack of relief. 

He brings up the cloth to my eyes but I turn away. Or so I try to before he makes me think otherwise and I turn my head  back towards him out of my own control. So he's able to give me thoughts and make my body comply too!? Are you kidding me?! 

He wraps the cloth around my eyes and ties it together at the back. Now I can't see anything! How am I supposed to see where he's cutting me?! My heart beat amps up as everything goes silent until theres a trickle of running water from the sink. What's he doing?!  Before I know it he has my mouth open by his command through my thoughts  and sticks a cloth there. He winds it around my head and ties it again. Great, now I can't see and I can't speak. This cloth is in my mouth keeping my molars from snapping together. 

"Now Stephanie...Shall we get started on this game of truth or truth?" He asks and all I can hear is the scrapping of a knife on the tray before he slashes into my thigh and white hot pain flashes behind my eyes. 

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