Chapter 15-Importance

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A huge meadow with flowers everywhere...This is the place I was...The sky blue and clear, the grass green. Butterflies and bees flying around and birds singing. I was sitting by a tree, enhaling the fresh air to fill my lungs. It was so quite and peaceful...The sun was shining bright, but it didn't bother me at all. I closed my eyes and relaxed...Tha was too good to be true...

Suddenly, I heard someone approaching, the grass making soft noices as their feet touched it. That someone stopped and I opened my eyes. Germany...That was becoming even better. I looked at him and he smiled warmly. I smiled too. "Germany, it is a pleasure to see you here...". "I am happy too...The scenery is majestic...", he said while looking around. "You can sit here with me if you want...", I said and he turned to me. "I would love too, but, unfortunately, I came to take you with me...", he said with a smile and extended his hand towards me. I was hesitant to take it, I didn't want to leave..."And go where?", I asked curious. He smirked. "You will see...Trust me.". He needn't have said that, I already trust him. I took his hand and he helped me stand up. He didn't let go when we started walking. His hand was warm and soft, unlike his real one...But I don't understand why his hands are cold at first place.

We were still walking through the meadow, passing by flowers and small pods with crystal clear water. If that wasn't Paradise, then what was it? I suddenly saw a white light, it was too bright. Germany was taking us towards it. I was quite afraid. I stopped at my trucks, stopping Germany with me. "France...what is wrong?", he asked worried while still holding my hand. I didn't take my eyes of the light. "I...I don't wanna go in there...", I admitted. "Why not?", he asked. "I don't know what is after it...I am scared and...I don't want to leave this place.", I said while looking around. "France...We have to go...". I sighed. He came in front of me. "Look...I know this is perfect, but it's not realistic...". I just turned my face away. I didn't want to admit that he was right. But again, what was even this place?

He put his hand on my cheek, I looked at him quite shocked. His expression was soft. "You have to go through this light...And I will find me on the other side...I am waiting for you to come...". His words so soft and stunning...I almost wanted to cry. Why can't this last forever? "Can't I stay a bit longer...?", I asked hoping that the answer would be positive. Germany sighed but smiled sympathetically. "I am sorry, but this can't happen...Not now, at least...". God, I was expecting that answer...This is unfair. For the first time, I am at the right time, at the right place with the right person...But I guess not all good things last forever..."Why not, though...?". I needed a logical answer that would bring me down to my senses. Germany then leaned next to my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist. I tensed for once again. "Because...", he whispered, " have to go to work...".

Wait, what?

And just then, I woke up. The alarm was ringing. I sat up and tried to process the whole situation that just happened. That was just a dream. Of course it would be a dream, nothing like that would happen in real life...And not gonna lie, I have the weirdest dreams...Why that this time? And why with Germany? Oh, Germany...I wish we were like this...But no, this was just a stupid dream of mine that fills me with fake hopes. I yawned and got up to get ready. Luckily, I wasn't gonna be late.


After the walk for work that cleared my mind a little bit, I arrived at the building. I didn't even think who would be inside and just got in myself. Only a few countries were around, Germany not included. He is probably at his office. Should I go to my office or go to Germany's? I mean, I want to see him and we are kind of friends now so...To Germany's office! I made my way there and knocked on the door, without hesitation this time. "Come in.", he said a little blankly. I wonder if he is okay...I slowly opened the door and peaked through. Germany took his face from the computer and looked at me. Just then, I saw his condition...Jesus, it was like he hadn't slept for days, a dull expression with almost closed eyes and bags under them...His hair was also a little messier than usually. What happened to him? I smiled anyways, no matter how he is, I love seeing him. But honestly, he still looked equally hot like that...How does he do that?

"Oh...France...Please, come in...", he said tiredly. He tried to stand up but quickly fell to the chair again. I rushed to him. "Woah...Easy there...How are you?". I know, stupid question...He looked at me and made an As-a-matter-of-fact face. "How do you find me...?', he said sarcastically. I blushed, I could start making a list...Still hot, still sweet, still...many things I find Germany. "Well...You look extremely exhausted, like...did you even get some sleep?", I asked after my nervous laugh. He sighed and then coughed. Was he ill too? "Umm...No, I...I didn't sleep at all...", he said while trying to keep himself awake. I took a step back and crossed my arms. "And why that? You work so hard all day, you should have slept...". God, I was feeling like a mother scolding her child for staying up late. Germany looked away blushing. Wait, BLUSHING? Don't tell me that...No, no, no, it can't be that, Germany wouldn't do that...I think, at least. Unfortunately, my dirty mind got activated and started making the most crazy scenerios...I couldn't even be hurt at the thought of him loving someone else, I was thinking of other more realistic possibilities.

But Germany snapped me out of all this nonsense. "Enough of me...", he said seriously. He turned to me and his face softened TOO suddenly, he was slightly smiling. "Tell me...How was your sleep...?". My sleep? I thought about it and realised was actually good. Yeah, pretty good. "Well...It was actually one of the best sleeps I had in nights...For real, it was satisfactory...I also saw a nice dream...Weird, but nice...", I laughed nervously while rubbing the back of my neck. He blushed again and made an attempt to stand up. He was about to fall on the chair again, but I grabbed his arms in time. I saw that his legs were shaking. "I...I am happy you had a good sleep, really...And, what about your dream?", he was still smiling, his eyes narrowed out of tiredness. I looked away and blushed. "I prefer not to talk about it...But I will tell you one day...", I said and smiled at him. He smiled too. "Of course, as you wish...". He then let go of my arms and fell to the chair once again. He growled in pain. I suddenly panicked a little. I had never seen him like that. "Why did you let go of me?!", I raised my voice a little bit. He had his eyes closed, still feeling the pain...Guess it was very strong..."My legs hurt so bad...I...I couldn't stand any longer...", he admitted. He started coughing again, covering his mouth with his arm. God, he was bad. And I hated seeing him in pain. I didn't even notice I teared up. I kneeled in front of him. When his cough stopped, he turned to me again, trying to gain his breathing. "You should have stayed at home...", I tell him. "I'm fine now...Don't worry about me...", he said pouting. I got up and turned away irritated. "Impossible.", I said while crossing my arms again. How can I even stop worrying about him? He thinks it is easy? He chuckled. "You seem to worry about me very much...", he said seriously this time. I turned to face him again, looking down as he was sitting down. "Germany...I consider you as my friend...And I don't care of what you say, I will always be worrying about you, because I-", I quickly put my hand over my mouth and blushed. I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT I LOVE HIM. Seems that the conversation took me over..."You...what?", he asked. "N-Nothing...But tell me, how did you end up like this?". His eyes widened. "Uhhhh...Well...It's a really long story, but it's not important...". "I bet it's very important, look at you. You think this isn't important?".

"Um...Yes?", he said while shrugging. "NO, WRONG ANSWER.", I yelled. "I am pretty sure there is no correct or wrong answer for thi-", he was about to finish but I put my finger on his lips. They were soft...His eyes grew wide again, a blush appearing on his face. "Shush, I am telling you it is important...And don't doubt it.", I took my finger. Germany groaned. "Ugh, whatever. I will just give me five days off...Happy?", he raised an eyebrow while crossing his arms. I smiled. "I am very pleased.". "Good, I will start tomorrow.". I shrugged. "This will do...", I said and turned to leave. "Auf Wiedersehen.", said Germany. I looked at him and smiled. "See you later.". I left his office and went back to mine.

At least he will let himself relax these five days...But I won't be able to see him here. I bet he will leave the management to Italy, they are pretty close as coworkers and I just can't take control of such stuff...

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