Chapter 4-New Boss

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I was watching as the new boss was making his way into the room...Yeah, they were a male and I don't know how to feel about it...He was walking steadily with his hands behind his back, glancing at all of us. He had a serious expression on his face, frowning his eyebrows a little bit and narrowing his eyes as much. We made eye contact for just a tiny second, but I think it was enough to make me flutter, his beautiful green eyes looking in mine...Wait, WHAT? I-I JUST SAW THAT DUDE, WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT? Anyways...he then stopped in front of us and E.U. came next to him, the new boss was observing us all.

"Of course I came right on time...I'm never late...", he said in a serious tone. Ah, his voice...quite deep but soothing with a unique yet weird sounding accent. E.U. started introducing him to us. "So, my dear emploees, this is Germany!-". He obviously continued talking but I stopped hearing. Instead, I started observing Germany better...He was tall, with black hair put back with gel, I assume, and only a few hair falling on his forehead and eyes...Ah, I can't stop staring at those crystal green eyes...UH-H, LET'S JUST CONTINUE. Germany didn't have a masculine body and neither a slim one, something in the mid...The ideal type of body if you ask me, I bet he goes to the gym...He was wearing glasses, a white button-up shirt with the sleeves neatily tidied at his elbows, a red tie matching the red on his flag and a pair of black jeans and shoes. Germany...Germany...His name, the way he walked, they way he talked, the way he had his hands behind his back, his serious face, his voice, everything...Everything made me feel the heat rising up to my cheeks...He also reminded me of someone, someone very particular, but I can't remember who exactly...Like I knew him before...Or it could be just my imagination...

I was staring at nothing while I was trying to think who Germany reminds me of when, suddenly, I felt someone shaking me again...OH, I SWEAR TO GOD IF IT'S GREECE AGAIN...I looked at her and shouted frustrated, "WHAT DO YOU WANT THIS TIME?!". Yeah, it was indeed Greece shaking me but now, she was nervous as hell. Sweat running from her forehead, clearing her throat deliberately and signaling me something with her eyes. I just noticed that all the others were very quiet...Not so good, really. I turned to the way Greece was signaling me and saw Germany and an angry E.U. looking at me, as well as all the others in the room...That very moment, I felt a huge wave of embarrassment hitting my heart, which was also sinking in an ocean full of stress and anxiety. I was just staring at the two with wide eyes, not being able to say a word. But even if I could, what could I say? Although, one is the big question: What had happened...?

"France...", called E.U. pretty angrily, "do you even pay attention on what me and Germany say?". I was clearly very embarrassed to answer properly, I only managed to shutter a few words. " I-I do pay at-tention...", I lied with a trembling voice, I was nervous. E.U. raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? If you say so, what was I just saying?". Oh no...I was hearing nothing before that, what do I do? Instead of making things worse with my lies, I remained silent, turning my head down and watching my shaky hands. I couldn't even look Germany in the eyes, I was feeling shame. "See? Not only didn't you pay attention this whole time, but you also LIED ABOUT IT...AND IT'S NOT EVEN THE FIRST TIME, FRANCE.", E.U. scolded me, the others hearing everything and whispering to each other. I really just wanted to die at that moment...But an angel kept me back to life..."E.U., bitte, there is no need for all this right now...I'm sure Ms. France will explain herself later..." said Germany on his serious tone. I nodded in agreement still looking down, a few tears escaped my eyes. E.U. really needn't embarrass me in front of the whole emploeeship. But I can't say it's not my fault either...I should pay more attention...I surely had made a bad first impression...

The remained hour passed more peacefully. I was just trying to calm myself down and pay attention this time. I indeed did. Germany explained that our tasks are the same, with minor changes. He also wants to do some upgrades regarding to the machines we use, such as the computers and the printers. From what I understood, he is stricter when it comes to concentrating on work. I mean, he doesn't want his emploees to chat and talk to each other about stuff that have nothing to do with the office. But, I will be honest with you, I was more attracted to his voice rather than what he was saying.

When he finished, he told us that we were allowed to leave and continue our work. I didn't wait more, I stood up and made my way out of the room and headed to my office. I didn't even know if Germany wanted to talk to me about what happened previously, but I really wanted some time alone. It's not that I do it deliberately, it just happens. I closed the door behind me as I went into my office. I sat down and opened the computer, maybe some work will make me forget about it.


A/N: Heyayayaya, how are you? Just wanted to tell you that you can leave comments if ya want : )

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