Chapter 22-My Enemy

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I have learnt many things in life. I had the luck to gain better knowledge thanks to my grandpa, Ancient Greece. One of them was that you should always keep your promises when you give your word and that's what I will do, without letting my ancestors down. Do you know to what I am referring? Yeah, this talk I have to do with Turkey. Do I know what he wants? No. Did I say I will listen to him? Yeah. Did I make a mistake about this whole case? Time will tell...

We haven't talked since the day he called me to tell me that. I had much time to think about it and I believe I am ready now. And noone must learn about this meeting, especially my father...Or else, he will kill me on the spot...Okay, I am maybe exaggerating, but you know what I mean.

Also, I didn't even tell France...She knows that I will someday go to meet him, but she doesn't know when exactly. And that 'when' is right now...Should I call her? Should I tell her? What if I am putting myself in danger...? Okay, Turkey can't be that violent. Or can he...?

I decided not to phone her. She may have work to do now...How bad could this possibly go?

I got out of my house, plainly dressed. I had on just a light sweater and a pair of jeans, my hair worn in a ponytail. Turkey's house was right next to mine, so I didn't need to walk a big distance or anything painful right now...When I walked past his garden, I arrived at the main entrance. I was very anxious to say the least...I wish I could know his intentions, or how he will react when I present him my presense. We are enemies, we hate each other, what could we possibly talk about, except for land conquering or fake financial deals? The world isn't made out of rainbows and cupcakes. Some people have different intentions from what we think they do.

I had zoned out after I unawarely knocked on the door, when I heard his voice.

"Oh...You came.", he plainly said. His deep voice ringing in my ears, I could tell that Turkey wasn't as energetic as other times. However, I could make out his surprise in his voice when he saw me standing at his door, doing nothing.

I brought myself down to earth again and looked at him. I was trying to be serious, but my shaking body didn't help much.

"Yeah...I came...".

He stood aside and gestured me in with his hand, the other one holding the door knob.

"Come inside.".

I didn't. I looked him up and down suspisiously, taking glances inside his house too. I am sure he is up to something...I crossed my arms.

Turkey noticed me and understood my thoughts. He sighed and went further into his house, leaving me at the door. He stopped and turned to me again, raising his hands innocently.

"Look...No traps, no guns, no dangerous stuff generally...". He then put down his arms and approached me again. He leaned at the door. 

"So...Do you plan staying out here forever? Cause, I don't...", he said smirking.

I groaned and pushed him aside, making my way into his house.

"And you think I am the one invading your privacy? Wow...", he sarcased as he closed the door. I was just standing in the haul with my arms crossed, my back facing him. I was already mad and we hadn't even started yet.

I felt his heavy footsteps on the floor and I knew he was approaching me from behind. I was nervous. He softly put his hand on my shoulder, but I tensed up anyways. I quickly turned around and looked up at him.

"You know, you have to relax a little bit...".

I frowned at his comment. I know I needed to, but I would never admit it in front of Turkey, not even now.

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