Championship/Homecoming Part 2

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Welcome to chapter 8 of my book! This is just a part 2 from last chapter, so I hope you enjoy.


I look at the shock on his face when he realized what he did. I was also in shock that he yelled. He hugged me tight enough where he was about to break me in half.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"It's ok, Tobio. I know you didn't mean to yell."

He let me go and start giving me soft kisses. I could tell he felt really bad.

"I didn't mean to yell. It's just that, I've gotten a little work up when I saw them girls. Your just so important to me and I don't want you to get hurt. I love you, Sho."

Wait am I hearing it right. Did Tobio Kageyama just say that he loves me.

"Did you say that you love me?"

"Yes, I love you so much. Your the first person I have ever said that to."

Tears start falling out my eyes. He smiled and wipe my tears.

"I love you too, Tobio."

He rubbed his thumb across my cheek where the girl slapped me.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, I'll be fine. You need to get to your game."

He just laughed.

"Gosh Sho, if you mention that game again I'm gonna go crazy."

We both just sat there laughing. I looked into his eyes and he leaned in. Our lips locked and we shared a passionate kiss. His arms went around my waist down to my butt. I pushed him away.

"We're in a public bathroom. I don't think this is the best place to do this."

"Ok, but your all mines when we get home."

I blushed so hard that I'm pretty sure I turned into a tomato.

We headed back out to the game. Kageyama gave me a goodbye kiss before he headed on the field and I headed back to everyone else.

"Hey Hinata. What room you so long?"

"There were a lot of people on the bathroom."

"Oh ok."

"Ladies and Gentleman! Welcome to the annual championship finals!!"

We heard cheers across the whole stadium. Along with Suga and the others screaming in my ear.

"Here are your teams! First up we have Aoba Johsai!"

We saw Aoba Johsai team running across the field.

"Number 1 is Tōru Oikawa, the team captain. They say that he is a beast on the field. His passes always reaches the receiver."

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Put your wings together for Karasuno Flying Crows!"

It seems as when Karasuno came out the whole stadium was loud. They really support their team. I saw Kageyama on the field, scanning the stadium for me. Once he laid his eyes on me he blowed me a kiss. I blushed.


"Yo, what's up, Kageyama?"

"What do you want, Oikawa."

"What? I just can't say hello to a fellow old teammate."

"Shut your mouth."

"Woah, no need to get so feisty."

I looked back at all my teammates to see they were all stretching and getting ready.

"Oh I see. You never told you teammates bout how you were on another team before this one. How shameful, king."

"Don't fucking call me that!"

I heard running footsteps coming up behind me.

"Yo, Kageyama. What's going on?"

"It's nothing."

I walked away and warmed up with the rest of the team.

~Time skip to the 4th quarter (41-42) Aoba Johsai in the lead 10 seconds in the clock~

"Kageyama, we need you to pull off this play. You're our best receiver we got. When the others move down the field you stay back and get a clear site and when your clear, I'll throw it to you that is how you will get the touchdown."


"Everyone else stick with the plan."

"On three! 1! 2! 3!"

"Flying Crows!"

One play. One win. Everyone takes off. I stay back for a clear zone. Once I see one, I go! I switch to a right then back to the left. The ball is in the air. I catch it and land in the end zone. The whistle blows.

"Touchdown Karasuno! Touchdown Karasuno!"

My whole team came up to me and all just jumped on me.


All the people in the stadium came on the field patting our backs and congratulating us. There was only one person I was looking for. I scanned the whole crowd until I found the orange fluff of hair. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"We did it, baby! We're going to Nationals!"

"I'm so proud of you! You did so good!"

I lifted up his chin and connected his lips with mine. We pull away and looked at each other and smiled. My team came around me and celebrated.

"Den party at Kageyama's house!"

Everyone around us cheered. Why my house?

"Ughhh this is going to be a nightmare."

I hear Hinata laugh and I just laugh with him. We all got cleaned up and headed to my house. I haven't been here a while since I've been staying with Hinata. We stopped by Hinata's house first to get him some clothes since I already had some over to my house. Once we got there we saw Suga and Daichi already waiting outside.

"You two are early."

"Yea, who wouldn't miss a den party at your house."

I unlocked the door and we headed inside.

"Help yourselves to anything."

"Kageyama you haven't lived here in a while. Are you sure the food is safe to eat?"

"I have a house maid that comes and goes. She replaces the food every 3 weeks when I give her money."

"The life of a rich person."

"Where's Hinata?"

"He probably went up to my room. I'll be back."

I headed upstairs to my room to see if Hinata was there. I saw him looking in my photo book of embarrassing baby pictures. I run and try to grab it.

"Hey, give me that! It's embarrassing!"

"No it's not. You look cute."

I blushed and looked away. He put the book down and wrapped his arms around my neck and smiled. I put my hands on his waist and kisses him. We pulled away and looked at each other. We headed back downstairs and saw everyone made it. We all watched movies and ate then all headed to bed. Me and Hinata snuggled up in my bed.

"I love you, Sho."

"I love you too, Tobio."


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