𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞.

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'Two weeks left.'

The nurse had thought, putting on her uniform. The patient she had been tending to is bound to be released later today. You were informed along with the visitors a day before. You were sure to miss the big guy, his unusual stories and big ego.

Even if it was just 3 months of somewhat "knowing" and actually knowing him, you can't help but say you got attached. Either way, those feelings are going to be swept under the rug as you yourself weren't so sure of what to make out of them. It was more as if you were roommates, best friends, for life even? Thinking about this felt so.. Exhausting. Yes, but it was only the start of your shift.

Y/n approached the patients room, the cold white tile making her shoe soles click and echo through the quiet hall. Nearing the room, shouting could be heard from the other side.


"Hey Raditz, what's up man? "

A short, bald guy asked in a friendly manner. Two women enter the room, one leading a child.

"Nothing much, counting my days here."

"Haha.. Well, I've got some good news! "

A high pitched voice announced, and the sound of paper sheets rustling could be heard.

"We are currently working on a machine that could get us to Namek! "

The group cheered. When asked if he was to go, a different, feminine voice started declining the offer.

"He shouldn't go, because I'm in charge of him until Goku comes back. "


"No, Raditz you don't understand! It's dangerous! "


And so, the room went quiet.


The nurse had finally decided to knock once the roaring toned down.

"Come in! "

The masculine voice said, opening the door.

"Excuse me, but visiting hours are over. "

She said in her calm voice, collected and mannered. She gave them a small smile, which turned out to be a straight line, but nonetheless gave them the message.

"And who might you be?! "

The raven-head asked, as if provoking her to fight. The nurse, once again, just smiled politely and pointed to her name tag.

"Y/n huh.. And what's your relation to Raditz? "

"I'm his personal assigned nurse. "

"Okayy. Riight. And who assigned you? Let me guess, Doctor Bought-My-Diploma? "

"Geez Chi-Chi, no need to be so rude.... "

The man said, taking the child's hand from hers.She rolled up her sleeves, getting into a fighting stance.

'Greaaat. ' -Y/n had thought, as she was also getting in stance.
Without warning, the angry
woman went at the nurse, trying to jab a kick to her side. To her surprise, the nurse grabbed her leg and swung her to the ground below. The raven haired woman stared at her, as the h/c wasn't going further and started walking away.


She charged a small ki blast at the nurse, but she deflected it and sent it back. Turning around, she glared at her and the two stared at each other intensely.

"Ma'am, please calm down. There's no reason to fight. "

She tried to reason. But the woman kept sending ki blasts at her. With no other option than to fight back, she suddenly clasped her hands together, and soft light emitted from her palms.

"If that's how it is, come at me with all you've got. "

The nurse taunted, ripping her long dress uniform to reveal a pair of pants underneath. The woman, whose name the nurse realized was Chi-Chi(mainly because of the others telling her to stop), once again, threw the first punch. Y/n blocked it, grabbing her fist with her hand. There was a reason her palms were glowing and as she held the opponent's hand tighter, the smug look slowly turned into one of pain as the light actually burned her. As she was distracted with pain, Y/n swung her leg to the ground, leaving her unable to get up temporarily. Losing her composure, the nurse whispered.

"Fight someone your size. "


Everyone stood astonished in the room. This nurse could be a potential new "member" of the Z Fighters. She could not only fight, but had medical knowledge as well. As for them, the nurse had reminded them it was time to leave, and visiting hours were over long ago.

As the nurse was checking the patient's vitals, he asked.
"Nurse Y/n-"

"You can just call me Y/n, patient. "

"Alright, uhm, Y/n, where did you learn all those moves? "

"That's.. A long story. "

"Well, we've got the whole night, don't we? "

"Sadly, we don't, I don't get paid to stay in this institution during tthe night. "
Explained Y/n, packing her belongings. Raditz could only sit and think about this kind of stuff, nodding his head.
Before the nurse could leave though, he called for her one last time.

"Can you give me water? "
He asked kind of impatiently. This surprised the woman, but she didn't mind it. 'Always could be worse. ' she had thought.

"Of course. One moment. "

She turned around to go to the kitchen, and grabbed what seemed to be Raditz's favorite WINX cup, with his favorite fairy Bloom on there. As overrated she was, you found her alright. Filling up the glass with icy cold water, you crushed in his daily medicine as instructed by the doctor, and left back for his room.

In his room, he awaited you and was sitting up right on his bed in his hospital gown. That pretty much showed up 90% of the muscles this guy had. The nurse blushed in awe and left the water on his table, hoping he wouldn't notice her red face.

"Hey.. "

'Crap. '- she thought. He had caught her.

"Your face is kind of red. You should seriously go rest... "

He suggested. She nodded her head and not too long after, left the hospital.


Finally at her home, she dropped into her bed, making it awkwardly crack in the middle of the night's silence.

'Today was another day.'

    posted on: 23.4.2024.
    rewrite: /

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