𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞.

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Planet Vegeta was a shadow of its former self, a desolate wasteland bearing the scars of its turbulent history. The sky, a permanent dull crimson, reflected the planet's bloodstained past. Amidst the ruins of what was once a thriving Saiyan civilization, Y/n and Raditz stood at the edge of a crumbling palace. They had just emerged from an encounter with the elder Saiyan, the ex-king Vegeta, who had divulged critical information about their quest.

"I wish I could tell you more," the ex-king had said, his voice gravelly with age and regret. "But what you seek is beyond my knowledge. The Dragon, Shenron, summoned by the Dragon Balls, may hold the answers you desire."

Y/n and Raditz exchanged glances. The mention of Shenron and the Dragon Balls had rekindled a flicker of hope in their eyes. They knew these mystical orbs could grant any wish, and now their journey had a clearer direction: find the Dragon Balls scattered across unknown planets.

As they made their way to the remaining functional Saiyan pod, Raditz's mind churned with a mixture of anticipation and unease. Y/n, ever perceptive, noticed his tense demeanor. She touched his arm gently, grounding him in the present.

"Raditz, we'll find them," she said with a soft, reassuring smile. "One planet at a time."

Raditz nodded, his usual bravado tempered by a rare moment of vulnerability. "I know, Y/n. It's just...hah.. this is all new territory. We've never ventured beyond the familiar stars."

The pod loomed ahead, a relic of the Saiyan's once-mighty spacefaring capabilities. It was cramped, barely accommodating two passengers, but it would suffice. They climbed inside, the interior filled with the hum of dormant energy systems coming to life.

As they settled into the pod, Y/n programmed the coordinates for their first destination: Raskaliya, the closest known planet where a Dragon Ball might be located. Raditz watched her work, his mind drifting to thoughts of his brother, Goku. Though he had never admitted it, he missed his younger sibling. The moment he regained his past memories, the memories that his head injury had burried behind, he got the idea of reviving him. It had been a quiet whisper in Raditz's mind, a hope he hadn't dared to voice.

The pod shuddered as it launched into the sky, breaking through the planet's atmosphere with ease. The vast expanse of space unfolded before them, stars glimmering like distant dreams. Y/n's eyes were fixed on the navigation console, but her thoughts mirrored Raditz's. She knew what he wouldn't say aloud - that he missed someone he lost.

"Raditz," she began cautiously, choosing her words with care. "You know, if we do find the Dragon Balls, we could wish for anything. We could revive those we've lost."

Raditz turned to her, his expression unreadable. "You're thinking about Kakarot, aren't you?"

Y/n nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Haha, yes. " she chuckled, even if she didn't know who Kakarot was. "If he is the person who means a lot to your then getting the dragon balls has more than one motive."

Raditz's eyes softened, and he sighed deeply. "I can't deny that the thought has crossed my mind. But we have to find the Dragon Balls first. One step at a time."

The journey to Raskaliya was uneventful, the silence of space only broken by the rhythmic hum of the pod's engines. As they neared their destination, the planet came into view - a verdant orb teeming with life, the planets opaque color stark contrast to the one of Planet Vegeta.

The pod entered Raskaliya's atmosphere, descending smoothly towards a dense forest. They landed in a small clearing, the pod's hatch hissing open to reveal the lush, vibrant world outside. The air was thick with the scent of exotic flora, and the sounds of unknown creatures filled the air.

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