04|Use Your Brain

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The next day, it was a bustle of activity as both Yinsen and Carter were very busy translating what words for Tony, who was reading the list of items off that he needed and Carter grinned at the mention of his medication on the list as Yinsen translated for it.

They were all getting to work as Carter grabbed the first set of goggles that he saw. They were eagerly getting to work and Carter grabbed a water bottle as his medication went down quickly and he was getting to work along with the others.

After Tony told them what they needed from the missiles, Carter was helping Yinsen to break down the other eleven missiles that were sitting in their little workspace/home as they were all focused extremely hard.

Meanwhile when Carter wasn't working on that, he was forging something in the corner with a face-mask down and he was silently focused, carefully making small parts and Tony walked over to check up on his progress. "You're very intricate with details, for a teenager who seems to be bouncing off of the walls for most of the day." Tony noted and Carter was narrowing his focus again as sweat was beading on his forehead.

"What can I say." Carter murmured as he was carefully lowering a small wire into the center of the project. "This is what I love to do." Carter replied and he was fitting in another piece into the puzzle of his newest project now. Every time one of the many guards came down to check on them and their space, they were always working hard.

When Carter wasn't fitting pieces of his equipment together, he was amending his own work with new sketches and blueprints for things that were on their minds, which were all entirely focused on escaping now. Not that there was much else to think about, except for Carter who hadn't seen the sun in... well, awhile now.

Tony sat down one day and he was silently watching him draw out blueprints with the newly placed arc reactor in his chest and Carter was putting his pencil down as he shook his head in frustration. "I can't figure out how to make it fit." He muttered as he was trying to draw out Tony's design for a new suit, but it wasn't working properly.

"We have more time to figure it out, kid." Tony pointed out as he was tapping Carter on the shoulder gently with his fist. "You don't have to worry about it, Carter, we will figure it out in the morning." He said and Carter sighed, putting the sketches away under Tony's bed and he was going back to his small corner, where he was lying on the ground.

The next day, Tony and Carter were both pouring over the drawings together and then, Carter's eyes lit up as he figured it out. Carter grabbed a new page and he was starting all over with their sketching as his pencil flew across the page as he was completely focused. Tony chuckled after it was done and he looked over at Carter, who was grinning at the sight of it.

"Nicely done kid. Nicely done." Tony said and Carter shook hands with him quickly, before they were putting the sketches away and they were back to metal-working.

Carter was swiftly putting a smaller suit in the back together, out of view of the cameras and whenever it came time for the checks, he was sitting down next to Yinsen as they were rewiring something. Carter went back to his suit as soon as he could manage, while Tony was looking at him with a grin. "You could've probably graduated by now, you know." Tony noted as they were done for the day and Carter was lying on his back, looking up at the ceiling above them that was made of solid mountain stone.

"Probably." Carter replied as he sighed, not certain that he wanted to know the answer to his next question. "You said that there were bombings, that you were attacked along with the other soldiers right?" He asked and Tony glanced over at him, while Carter had already rolled to face him. "Do you know what happened to them?" He asked and Tony sighed.

"Your brothers, they were both with me in the vehicle. The last time that I saw them in the situation, they were telling me to stay in the car. I didn't listen, I got out and I didn't see them again. Bullets, bombs, missiles... They were flying everywhere. I'm sorry kid, but I don't know where they are." Tony admitted and Carter returned back to looking at the ceiling, feeling pain rushing through him and worry at the thought.

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