07|A New Housemate

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"You can pick any one of these three." Kiara was gesturing to the open doors as Carter followed her up the stairs with his single duffle bag of items most of which were just drawing supplies and blueprints that he had made himself.

"Thanks." Carter said and she was nodding quickly, before he pushed one of the doors open and he was looking around at the room. "Wow." He murmured and she was looking at him.

"I'm sorry, for what I said earlier. It was ignorant, stupid... I didn't mean it, all right? I just missed my dad." Kiara admitted as he was looking over his shoulder at her, before he was nodding quickly.

"I learned a very long time ago, not to take things like that too seriously." Carter noted as she raised her eyebrows. "I'm not going to promise that it won't feel like I am taking up more of your dad's time, I can't promise that." Carter offered and Kiara narrowed her eyes at the words. "But... What I want you to do, is every time that you feel like I am doing something like that? I really do, I want you to tell me."

"All right." Kiara agreed to the suggestion with a small nod. "I will." She said and she was looking at the sketches and some of the blueprints, that he was carefully laying out on the table as she was looking at him with surprise in her eyes, but also, admiration in them as well. "These are really good." Kiara murmured and he was glancing at her.

"Thanks." Carter muttered, looking embarrassed as he was flipping through the sketches and she glanced at him. "What is your question for me?" He asked as he piled all of the sketches up together, while Kiara's jaw dropped from the fact that he wasn't looking at her, when he posed the question to her.

"Dad said that you were interested in all sorts of types of mechanics, so I wondered if you wanted to see the lab." Kiara offered and Carter glanced at her, before he was nodding at her and she nodded in return. "Sure. You can take a shower after though, you stink." She remarked and Carter laughed at the words, the first legitimate laugh in a long time as she was walking out of the room and he followed shortly after her.

Which was how weeks later, Carter and Kiara were focusing on getting her boots up to par, as they worked together in the lab wordlessly. They needed no verbal communication in regards to this as they worked and when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs, they both frantically tried to shove everything into Kiara's little space in the corner.

"Relax, kid. I'm not ever really going to take any potential projects from you, no matter what it is." Kiara sighed with relief when she saw that it was Tony standing there, rather then Obadiah Stane for example, that was a person that she really didn't want to see. "Obadiah told me that you gave him a hard time, is there a reason why?" Tony asked and Kiara lifted her eyebrows at him, as she was surprised by the amount of genuine curiosity that appeared to be in his voice at the moment.

"He wanted me to take over Stark Industries, before we even knew for sure that you were gone and even after one week after your disappearance, he started pushing the idea on me. I did not like it so much, so I rebelled and I pushed back. Boy, am I ever glad that I did." Kiara remarked and Tony grinned, as he walked over and carefully he pulled the boots out of the corner.

"Did you make these?" He asked and Kiara nodded, as his eyes were drawn to the suit almost instantly. "Did you make that suit too?" He questioned and she nodded at his words, before he smiled and she showed him how the boots worked, as she flew around the lab briefly, almost falling a few times before she hit the floor once again.

"Whoa!" Carter said, ducking under a table to avoid being smacked in the head by one of her boots. After she was squarely on the ground once again, Carter came out from under his hiding space and he was watching as Tony was inspecting the suit.

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