Chapter 2 : king's cross

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     After two days of begging, my aunt and uncle finally agreed to let me go with them to London to pick Harry up. Up until now this year sucked, I was all alone most of the time, and I was always alone in school, but at least I had Harry to walk with me to and back from school, but now I was actually alone, also Harry and I used to share chores ( because god forbid my spoiled cousin ever lift one of his fat fingers ), so obviously now I have to do everything alone, honestly I've always related to Cinderella, but never that much ( also I never actually Finished the movie, because aunt petunia caught me watching just after the fairy godmother showed up ), so other than giving me everything to do and telling me I'm doing them wrong, my aunt and uncle pretty much ignored me.

      I sat in my uncle's car on our way to King's Cross, I could barely contain my excitement, not only was I excited to see the train station and the witches and wizards coming back from Hogwarts, but I also really missed Harry ( I'll never admit it to him though), I kept my mouth shut all the way to London, even with Uncle Vernon complaining about how he thinks Harry would come back and start cursing people and they would have to report him to the police, I bit back a retort about wishing he would be the first one to receive one of Harry's curses.
     We arrived at King's Cross Station, I followed the Durslys to the platform they supposedly left Harry at, when we reached platform nine I spotted him standing with a ginger-haired woman who was holding a little girl's hand, standing next to Harry a ginger-haired boy and a girl with brown bushy hair whom I assumed were Ron and Hermione, uncle Vernon reached him first, " Ready, are you?" He asked.
     Harry smiled at me, and I tackled him with a hug, "Woah, Emma, calm down or I'll start thinking that you missed me" he said smirking, "Shut up and introduce, Scarface".
"Ron, Hermione, this is, unfortunately, my sister, Emma"
"Hi," said Hermione shaking my hand, she seemed nice, of course, I had already read about her in Harry's letters, but she seemed more than the bossy know-it-all Harry described.
"When are you starting Hogwarts, dear" said the lady I assumed was Ron's mother
"Next year" I replied.
"I am starting next year too," said the little girl.
"I am Ginny," she said extending her hand, I didn't take it.
"It's nice to meet you," I said, but it came out colder than I had intended.
"We don't have all day, get going" growled Uncle Vernon without even acknowledging Mrs Weasley which was rude even for him, we said goodbye and headed to the car with Uncle Vernon muttering about magic and redheads.

      Once we got back, the Durslys declared that Harry's wand and magical equipment were to be locked in the closet, even his very cool new broomstick that I didn't get to even touch, we went upstairs and I was helping Harry unpack the rest of his stuff, while he was telling me about how the headmaster gave them enough points to win the house cup.
"That's so cool, I wish I am put into Gryffindor"
"You probably will, most families usually end up in the same house, hopefully, Ginny will get into Gryffindor too, so you can have a familiar face"
"Yeah, great," I said unenthusiastically "You seem to hate her, huh"
"I don't hate her, I don't even know her, she just seems like a really annoying person, but I don't hate her" Harry grinned, "if you hate someone like Ginny, you should see Malfoy"
"Is he really as bad as you say he is?"
"He is the worst person on planet Earth, he's officially my arch-enemy" said Harry confidently.
"So, the dark evil powerful wizard who killed your parents isn't good enough to be your enemy?"
"Nope, him I took down with my bare hands"
"I still don't understand how that happened," I said, confused
"The way Dumbledore explained it when mum died saving me she put some kind in my blood, that it burns him whenever he tries to hurt me, that's how he was gone the first time"He explained
"How did Mum die saving you again?" I asked
"When Voldemort came in to kill me she stood between me and him, he had to kill her to get to me"
"But why did a dark wizard want to kill a one-year-old in the first place? " I voiced the question that has been weighing on me for months.
      Harry sighed, "I don't know, that's the one question Dumbledore didn't answer" he tried to hide it, but I knew he was disappointed about that, the story was occupying my mind for a long while now, the more I thought about it, the more scared and angry it made me, I couldn't process the fact that this man did all this just to kill a toddler, and the fact that I have to endure all this because of some stupid war was beyond me, I know how selfish this sounds, but the whole thing made me very confused, I hate not understanding something, it's one of the worst feelings ever, which made me all the more excited to get to Hogwarts, so I can understand more about it.
"And where was baby me when that all that went down?" I asked trying to clear the air
"Hagrid said you were asleep"
"That is so lame"
"You were barely 2 months old, how much difference do you think you would have made?"
"I could have had a cool nickname like yours"
"Believe me ( the boy who lived ) is the least cool nickname ever," He said making a quotation marks gesture, I smiled, "We should probably get down and help Aunt Petunia with lunch before she comes up and starts yelling," said Harry
"Yeah, that reminds me, you owe me tons of chores, mate," I said.

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