chapter 3 : Ugly visit

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      We had a pretty quiet couple of months. Apparently, for Harry it was too quiet, his friends hadn't sent him any letters since he came back, and he couldn't send any because Uncle Vernon insisted on keeping Hedwig locked in her cage.
The owl didn't like being locked up all the time, believe me, she wasn't subtle about it, but Uncle Vernon kept saying that if he let her out Harry was going to send his friends letters. If you ask me, I don't see why that affects him really, but apparently, Uncle Vernon got so used to making our lives hell, that he does it subconsciously now.
Speaking of the fat neckless idiot, he has some important business meeting that has the whole house on alert now, this morning Harry and I watched the Durslys rehearse their roles.
It's a miracle that no one noticed Harry and me actively shaking with laughter, after assuring them that we were going to pretend that we didn't exist, they finally let us go.
I was going to spend my day reading the book I stole from Dudley's room (apparently someone was so foolish as to get Dudley a book for his birthday), but no Harry had to go and get us stuck with cleaning the whole house before Uncle Vernon's guests came.

      When the guests finally arrived we went up to our room, I was already aching to get to my book and relax, but when we got to our room there was an ugly creature sitting on my bed, my bed, not Harry's, mine (I am going to spare you my excessive whining).
To sum up, in the fortunate meeting we had with Dobby, Harry shouldn't go to Hogwarts, house elves are weird, his friends were actually trying to contact him, house elves are weird and Uncle Vernon is definitely killing us for the noise. Also, did I mention that house elves are weird, he kept trying to punish himself every time he spoke, why is he here if he won't talk anyway?

      As you probably know, this whole thing ended with Harry and I stuck in our room with bars on our window, that's what you get for wanting to read a book in this household, also did I mention Harry got a warning from the Ministry of Magic informing him that using magic below the age of seventeen will get him expelled from Hogwarts, which took away the little fun of threatening Dudley with fake curses (mind you I didn't know real ones anyway).
     Yes, I was at my lowest, I had acted like I didn't care about Dobby's warnings because I would do anything to get out of private drive by now, but l was secretly scared, it's not like Harry's first year was smooth, it was probably fun and new, but definitely not safe and I don't know if I would be brave enough to face such terrors, this made me think about Hogwarts house, and how I might not get sorted in Gryffindor, Harry told me how both of my parents were in Gryffindor and how most great wizards were in it.
What if I get sorted somewhere else, what if...what if I get sorted in Slytherin, that thought scared me so much that I decided to stop thinking about it.

      Three days after the Durslys declared a lockdown I was up late at night rereading one of the old books I used to take from Mrs Figgs's home Library, mainly because I couldn't sleep or stop thinking when I thought I saw something through the bars on my window, I put my book upside down and got closer to the window, you know what, maybe I shouldn't have stayed up so late because I think I am starting to Imagine things.
Out of the window in the horizon, there was, believe it or not, a flying car. To make sure I wasn't going crazy I started pulling Harry off his bed, "Stop, stop, I just fell asleep, please" he murmured.
"come on, you have to see that" I said pleading, he sat in his bed and crossed his arm.
"What?" He snapped.
"Look," I said pushing his glasses on his face and pointing to the window, Harry's eyes widened and he rushed to the window to take a closer look, "wait, that's Ron," he said in disbelief, I was going to argue that his 12-year-old friend couldn't possibly be driving a car and a flying one none the less, but the car got way closer and I was able to see the three redheads in it, I recognized one as Ron Weasley, the two others where older and Identical, they were laughing and waving to Harry, Harry smiled back.

      If you think that flying in a car is going to be a great experience, then you are absolutely right, that was the best fun I had in...well in my whole life, I mean I was flying, flying, I also couldn't contain my happiness about finally being out of private drive, I made a mental note to remember uncle Vernon's face while we were flying away whenever I'm upset to cheer me up.
     Ron's brothers were simply the coolest twins I've ever met, they kept making impressions of Uncle Vernon screaming "They're getting away", I laughed so much that I couldn't breathe, The sun started rising and we reached Ron's place. They said they call it "the Borrow", they had sneaked out behind there mother's back, so we had to sneak inside and act like me and Harry had just showed up, I thought it was a flawed plan, but that didn't matter because Mrs Weasley was standing at the front door looking like she's going to murder someone.
After a very long family discussion that consisted of a lot of yelling Mrs Weasley welcomed me and Harry to the Borrow, it felt good having an actual breakfast after three days of cold soup, I wondered where Ginny was, over the last couple of months I had decided to be nice to her, it would be good to have a friend in Hogwarts who knows anything about the wizarding world, I had always been completely alone in my muggle school, so I wished I could have at least one good friend in Hogwarts.
      As if on cue Ginny walked into the kitchen in her night dress, before I can say hi, she gave a little squeal and ran up again.
    "Ginny" said Ron to Harry, "my sister, she's been talking about you all summer"
    "She'll be wanting your autograph, Harry," said one of the twins, I think he was Fred.
     Okay, remember the stupid comment I made about befriending the youngest Weasley? Scratch that, I don't want to be friends with someone who has a crush on my brother, that just proves she doesn't have any taste, I'll have to make some other friends, it's not like I can't handle being alone, but I do wish it's going to be different there.

      I finally got my Hogwarts letter, I don't remember a day in my life when I was more excited, I was also glad the letter came here instead of private drive, I didn't want to go through the whole 100 letters a day thing ( although I doubted uncle Vernon would try to stop the letters again ).
      I had been sleeping in Ginny's room which was the most awkward thing ever, she was being nice I guess, doesn't make me dislike her any less mind you, I kind of just ignored her, yes, I realize how rude that is to someone who's hosting me in their incredible home, but for some reason, I just couldn't stand her, with her perfect blushing complexion and her red long hair, ( I know my hair is long and red too, but her just looks annoying okay? )
      But I liked her brothers okay, especially the twins.
     I admire them more with every explosion that comes from their room.

      Once we were in Diagon Alley ( skipping over Harry's drama in Knocktorn Alley), Ginny and I got our school robes and our equipment. I even met Hermione again ( I like her, she reminds me of myself when I was obsessing over every science exam ), when we got to Flourish and Blotts, there was a book signing with someone called Lockhart, I think Mrs Weasly mentioned him once, he was blond, handsome and tall, but I was paying more attention to the books he held, it seems he had written books in almost everything, which fascinated and baffled me at the same time, how would someone be an expert in everything? I was zoning out on other book titles when I realized Lockhart had pulled my brother in front of the cameras with him, Harry looked like he wanted to die, I tried to get to him but the place was too crowded, for the first time I saw "the chosen one" propaganda Harry fussed about, I mean I wouldn't want to be in his place, but he managed a faint smile and took the pictures.
      He struggled his way back to the door, I couldn't hear anything, but I noticed Harry and Ginny were talking to a boy who looked about 12, he was pale and blonde, kind of handsome in a wicked way, you know like Hades in Disney Hercules (don't judge me), they seemed to be having an argument when it hit me, that kid is Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin bully Harry had told me about, if this thing turns into a fight I've got to get close to properly enjoy it. I-I mean to defend Harry obviously, but before I could get close enough, it turned into a fight between Mr. Weasley - who I never thought could get that furious - and a tall blond man who seemed to be Draco's father.
     later I will understand the prejudice those people have against people like Hermione and even my mother, they don't think muggle-borns deserve to have magic, or be recognized in magic schools like Hogwarts, it reminded me about that Indian kid in my school, once during the lunch break, I was trying to find a place to hide from Cindy the school bully ( she was very close to Dudley, I know, shocking ), when Cindy couldn't find me ( her standard bullying target) she turned to that kid and started telling him how he doesn't belong here, she started insulting, his English, his family, his food, practically everything, the worst thing, is that the boy just remained silent like he was just used to that, I was so angry that day that I stole Cindy's bag later and emptyed it in the corridor in front of everyone, I won't be mentioning my punishments from Cindy herself, the teacher, my aunt and uncle and practically everyone, because it's enough humiliation to live them once, but the point is, that day in Diagon alley I started thinking that maybe the wizarding world wasn't that different after all.

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