chapter 7: Am I dying?

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I knew they were planning something stupid, Ginny and I visited Hermione in the hospital wing, they still won't admit what happened and to be honest, I had no idea what would turn a person into part cat it baffled me, but I'm proud of myself for getting through the whole thing without laughing, I don't think I would've survived her rage if I did laugh, I mean Hermione is great but she scares sometimes, she spent a few weeks in the hospital wing. What kind of crazy things Madam Pomfry had to heal that she stopped questioning young girls with cat hair and a tail?

"You're falling behind, Potter" said Diaz after successfully transforming his matchstick into a needle, I looked at him furiously, I tried again with mine, but it remained in its original form stubbornly, I didn't need this right now, I was having a persistent headache since the morning, my stomach was hurting and it felt like my very bones were weaker. "I say forfeit right now and I'll go easy on you," said Diaz not letting it go, "never," I said stubbornly, I felt like I wanted to cry, what was wrong with me?
I tried again and the matchstick lit up, "good job, now use it to burn your ego" said Diaz and the Slytherins started laughing, "lay off her" said Sarah, "settle down all of you" said Professor McGonagall and the class quietened, I blew of the matchstick and stopped trying to avoid further humiliation which got me in more homework, I had been like that all day and it was getting on my nerves, "you okay, Emma?" Asked Sarah, handing me my bag which I had left in the classroom, "I'm alright" I said but it came out harsher than I intended, "I'm sorry" I said quickly, "didn't mean it, it's just Diaz getting on my nerves"
"I get it, he's the worst," said Sarah calmly.
That night I was glad to get into bed, my headache was getting worse, I thought if I didn't feel better by the morning, I'd go to the hospital wing and ask Madam Pomfry for some painkillers, I noticed Ginny wasn't writing in her diary like always, but I didn't think much of it and went to sleep, I woke up in the middle of the night with my pains worse, my head was pounding and stomach felt like it was being squeezed, I made an effort to get out of bed, I went to the toilet and....blood, I had blood all over me, I panicked, I could hear my heart pounding loudly, my breath was shallow, I tried to steady myself and think. In my muggle school, my teacher said that if you lose more than half a gallon of blood you'll die, this was definitely less than half a gallon, so I should be okay, but why was that happening, did I eat something bad, did someone put a curse on me, my stomach was hurting more and more, I noticed blood was still coming out, so there's still a chance for me to lose enough blood to pass out, I didn't know what to do, do I tell someone? Maybe I should go to the hospital wing, "and what? What will you say happened?" Said a voice in my head. Harry? "Absolutely not", replied the voice, Sarah? "She'll pass out!", my eyes stung, I didn't know what to do, finally, I stuffed my underwear with toilet paper and got out of the toilet, I don't think my legs would even carry me to the hospital wing not to mention I was too scared to go there, and what if I go there and it's too late? What if I'm already dying? I was too panicked and in pain to be logical, I walked slowly to my bed but sat on the floor next to it, I rested my back on the wall, folded my legs and rested my chin on my knees, which eased the pain a little bit, my heart beats were still on full volume ringing in my ears, In my entire life, I've never felt more alone, I've never wished my mother was alive more, I started silently sobbing and before I knew it I went back to sleep. "Why are you sleeping on the floor" said Ginny while she shook me awake, I opened my eyes slowly and looked at her, it felt like my eyes were still wet, I stood up slowly, I wanted to say a smart retort but sounds didn't leave my mouth, for a second there Ginny looked like she was actually concerned about me, but she just walked away and out of the dorm, why wake me up then? I thought Sarah was still snoring, I walked to the toilet, my stomach felt better and I could move easier, I felt a little optimistic even though my headache was still as bad, maybe last night was just a wild nightmare, but alas, the blood situation was way worse, I had lost more blood which concerned me still, but I didn't feel like I was dying anymore, maybe it is a spell that someone cast on me, but who would do that, even Diaz wasn't that cruel, my mind made a weak link with the blood the heir of Slytherin wrote the message on the wall with, but it didn't seem reasonable, I changed my clothes and put more toilet paper, when I got out Sarah was dressed, "morning, Emma, come on we're running late" said Sarah cheerfully, "you go, I'll catch up with you" I said quietly, Sarah nodded and strolled out of the dorm, I went back to bed, I couldn't bring myself to go to class, besides, if I'm actually deing, I don't think It'll matter if I'm in class or not, I went under the covers and quickly fell back asleep.
Sarah walked me up this time, which I was glad for, "Emma, why are you still asleep, I was worried about you, it's already lunchtime" said Sarah concerned, "I don't feel so well" I said, "then come on let's get you to the hospital wing"
"No" I said, a little too fast, "I'll be okay I just can't bring myself to go to class, can you please take notes for me?"
"Of course, but I still think you should go to the hospital wing if you don't feel well"
"Please, don't worry about me"
Sarah looked unconvinced but she let it go, "Okay, feel better", she and went to lunch, I checked the blood rate again and then went back to sleep, I got stuck in that loop for the rest of the day I didn't believe a person could sleep that much, when Sarah came back to the dorm I figured that classes was over, she had a little cup in her hand, "it's just herbs, they'll help you feel better," she said, weirdly enough, the drink did help, it was warm and comforting, Sarah sat and told me about Gilroy Lockhart's madness about Valentine's day, I wasn't even aware that it was today, "will you come to class tomorrow?" Asked Sarah, "Yes, I'll try," I said feeling better than I felt in two days, Ginny got in the dorm looking almost as panicked as I was last night, she seemed surprised to find it was here, "you feeling better?" Said Ginny, averting her gaze from mine, I figured Sarah told her I wasn't feeling well, "yes" I answered shortly, she nodded, threw her school bag on her bed and exited the dorm almost running.
The next morning I woke up at sunrise which made sense as I had been asleep for almost 20 hours now, unexpectedly, the blood was way less, I figured I was getting better, maybe the drink Sarah got me worked or maybe the spell whoever put on me was wearing off, I took a shower which was nice and got dressed for classes, I felt like crying because I was feeling way better, yesterday was a nightmare, I silently prayed for the blood to go away completely and I can go back to my life, after Sarah and Ginny woke up, we went to breakfast together, Ginny looked like she hadn't slept, she looked even worse than I did, her panicked look from yesterday was still there, "what's wrong with her?" I whispered to Sarah, "I think I know why she's sad but I don't think she'd want me to tell you" whispered Sarah back, I was confused but didn't question her further.
Over the next week, the blood slowly lessened until it was gone, I was so happy it was all over, I felt better again and went back to owning the Potter-Diaz bet (as people started calling it that), the next Gryffindor match was getting close too, it was Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff, from what I heard, Wood was confident they'll win this match too, Hufflepuffs weren't the best quidditch players (which is something you should never say in front of Conan Walker if you don't want him to start reciting every win Hufflepuff had in the last 150 years), still it was nice to see people getting excited about quidditch again after how gloomy everyone was with the recent attacks.

A few weeks later, the day before the quidditch match I was in history of magic class when I felt a familiar ache in my stomach, most of the class was dosing off in their seats, I was taking notes which Sarah will probably copy later, my quill quivered when I felt the pain again, but I didn't feel weak this time, I felt angry, I raised my hand, Professor Bins looked surprised that there was even student in the class, "ahh..yes, miss.ploper" he said bewildered, "I don't feel so well, can I go to the hospital wing?" I asked urgently, "ah..sure," he said and I sprinted out, I got in the first toilet I found and sure enough, the blood was back, I had enough of that, I decided to go to the hospital wing, I hated how that made me feel, I was shaking and wanted to cry again, I almost ran there, when I got in I was a little out of breath, "Madam Pomfry" I called trying to breathe properly, "what, is it another attack?" She said, panicked, "no, no, nothing like that" I said
"Then why are you so panicked and why aren't you in class?" She said sharply, my brain was frozen but I looked at her and suddenly, it all spilled out, "Last month, there was blood and I thought it was gone but it's back and I'm supposed to be dead but I'm not and my stomach hurt and I don't understand why" I said all that so fast that I was out of breath again, those were complete sentences right? When I tried to continue explaining, madam Pomfry put her hand on my shoulder, "Just calm down, come sit down" she said gesturing to one of the beds, I sat down and she started explaining.

That was the first time I ever cursed out loud, "So, what you're saying is that there are at least 2.5 billion people out there who experience this thing, and none of the thought to mention it to me?"
"I'm sure you're aunt would've explained it-" started Madam Pomfry
"Don't, don't be sure, because she couldn't care less" I interrupted her,
"Look, Emma, that's completely natural, you'll be okay," said Madam Pomfry, but I didn't feel okay, "I Know it's scary right now, but you'll get used to it and it'll get easier, what's happening to you is a miracle, you should be proud of it" I didn't feel proud either, but I nodded, trying to blink back tears, she gave me a magic pad, said I only need one every month and it will absorb the blood and stay clean, she also gave me a potion that's supposed to stop the pain, I thanked her for the stuff and for not getting me in trouble for cursing, I left her to take care of the petrified student and went back to my classes, but I couldn't help thinking that of my mother was alive I would've avoided a lot of pain and trouble.

The next day, it was time for the quidditch match, we made our way to the quidditch stadium in the morning, but.....well, as you all know, the match didn't happen.

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