The Drunk Monkey

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Astraea POV.

"OMG! I can't believe that I just met my soulmate." I half-mumbled out loud to myself. "Yeah, but you still have to find the rest." A voice spoke behind me, and I turned around to see who was talking.
My boss,


Oh, no.

" I do believe you're a bit late, Astraea," he told me teasingly. "Yes, I'm so sorry, sir." I was quick to apologize to my superior.

"It's alright, sweetheart, you just met your first soulmate." He told me sweetly and gave me a light, affectionate squeeze on the shoulder.
My boss was a sweet man, he had seven kids and a wife. They're soulmates and still very much in love, he was the man in my life that I call dad. That's maybe because he and his wife, Leila, adopted me from foster care.

Leila was truly a mother at heart. When I first met her, I was scared that she would treat me differently from their other kids. But I found out that Leila and Leo couldn't have kids; we were all adopted. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but I'm happy I have them. I spent my teen years growing up in such a loving home with all of my siblings.

We were a huge bunch of kids in the house, but there was always time and love for everyone. The oldest was Daniel; he's 28 now. There's Maximilian; he's 25 and engaged to his future wife, Gabrielle; she's such an angel.

Then there's Anna, my only big sister; she's 27.  Kyra and Elijah were the only ones who were biological siblings—twins, actually, both 19 years old. Danny was a real nerd, he was 20 and had just started working for this massive company here in New York. Then, last but not least, there's Kate, the light of the family and the youngest. She's 16 and the only one still living at home. 

I love them all dearly and miss them terribly. We're always there for each other, no matter what. We all have some form of trauma, but having someone relate to your struggles helped me process it all. They're the reason I'm still breathing and still living, and I owe them everything for that.

Leo was the first to find out about my marks. He always said, "You can't control love, sweetheart," and he had always been supportive of my marks.

I talked to my dad about Steve, he was so excited for me. I started on my work, which was mostly planning meetings, signing orders, and talking to other companies. I was more of a personal assistant than a biologist, the company didn't have a lot of money for tests. So it was more just product sales I did. The day was just dragging by today; I glanced down at my phone just to see a guy from a company called GLOBEX. I hated that company because the guy always hit on me. Picking up the phone, I immediately regretted it. "Good morning, this is Astraea how may I help you?" I said in a fake cheerful voice,

"Hey baby, I missed your voice, beautiful." was what I got greeted with. "Hello, Damon," I answered coldly. " Why don't you make a meeting with your daddy, so I can see my love" he said flirtatiously. I felt disgust flood my body. "Why should I?" I hissed back at him. " Woah, no need to get mad, baby," he replied, and I SAW RED. HOW DARE HE?! Just as I was about to snap at him when the phone was snatched out of my hand. I looked up to see who had taken my phone, just to see my dad hung up the phone.

"I think that's enough for today, Raea" My dad declared. I nodded my head and packed up my things to leave. I said my goodbyes and left for the day as I exited out onto the weirdly empty New York street. When I say empty, I mean empty. I saw no one for at least a mile. I shook it off and started walking towards the club.

I had this weird feeling that I was being watched, but I ignored it and kept walking. Suddenly, I felt like there was someone behind me, and I spun around to check if there was someone there. But I was met with nothing, so I pulled out my phone to call my brother, Daniel. Daniel was quite a big guy—I mean really big—210 pounds to be exact. He was a bodybuilder and the strongest and most intimidating guy I knew, but to me, he was just a big ol' teddy bear. 

He picked up at the first ring. "Hey, Raea what's going on?" "Frére, I feel like someone is following me." I trembled. "Ok, stay on the phone; I'll come to you sœur." He stated it with authority in his voice.

Daniel was adopted from France, so speaking French with each other was second nature for us. It was fun for me to learn the same languages my siblings spoke. 

For Daniel, French was his first language. Maximilian was from Germany. Kyra and Elijah were from Italy. Danny came from Sweden, but he also taught me Norwegian and Danish since they were close. Anna came from Russia, and that was my favorite language to learn. And then Kate came from England, but she was mute, so we had all learned sign language.

Before I knew it, Daniel was in front of me. I ran into his arms and was greeted by the biggest hug and a kiss on my forehead. Daniel also worked at the same bar as me, he was the bouncer and my bodyguard on busy nights.  "est-ce que tu vas bien ?" he asked me "Oui" I nodded my head "j'étais si inquiète quand tu m'as appelé" he whispered in my hair. "Je vais bien maintenant, nous allons bien maintenant. Tout le monde est en sécurité." I comforted him.

We let go of each other and started walking towards the bar together. I went backstage to change into my performance clothes. Normally, I wore revealing clothes, it always got me better tips from gross men with dirty minds. Today there was a dark maroon halterneck wrap top and a long skirt with a high slit laid out for me to wear. I always wore a lot of jewelry and beads, I liked the sound that came from them clashing together while I was dancing. I started undressing consciously avoiding the mirror and just focusing on changing outfits. when I was finally changed when my eyes caught a glimpse of my wrist, a mild panic spread through me. my eyes frantically searched my room for something to cover my cuts with. I saw a wide gold cuff bracelet and put it on, it just barely covered them all but it'll have to do.

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I put on a little foundation, some eyeliner, a new layer of mascara, glitter, and eyeshadow

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I put on a little foundation, some eyeliner, a new layer of mascara, glitter, and eyeshadow. Looking down at myself I noticed all of my soul marks,  grabbing my concealer I tried to cover them up to the best of my ability. If you looked closely at me you could see them clearly, but a bunch of drunk, horny guys probably wouldn't notice. 

Putting on some clear lip gloss, I could hear the bar filling up

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Putting on some clear lip gloss, I could hear the bar filling up. I started getting nervous,  I never got nervous but tonight was different. suddenly I felt a calm feeling wash over me. I smiled in the mirror, knowing it was Steve. Even though I just met him, he already means so much to me.

Then the door to my room opened, it was Daniel. "One minute until show time," he told me. I stood up, following him out to the stage. "Je resterai près de toi ce soir" daniel said to me, I just nodded. A dark voice intruded me: "Ladies and gentlemen, Mavis." That was my cue. Mavis was both my stage name and also my middle name. The stage light shone brightly in my eyes while I walked up on stage.

Then I saw them.


should I make face claims for the Astreas family?

-The Author,

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