A God, A Spider, A Scientist, And Two Soldiers.

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Loki's POV.

I walked into the kitchen to see our little angel kissing Steve. A weird kind of jealousy washed over me. It was not the normal kind of jealousy I felt, this was odd. Typically, it was connected with anger, but it was like it had become impossible for me to get mad. It was her, I couldn't get mad at her. I spoke, "So he gets kisses, and you haven't even spoken to me yet. I don't think that's quite fair, darling."

The little angel turned around so quickly that she almost kept spinning. A light blush covered her face, her eyes met mine, and just for a short moment, I felt like the world had stopped spinning. We started slowly approaching each other, each one of us scared to startle the other. She was like a small kitten, scared of getting hurt. My mind was so focused on the much smaller person in front of me that I completely forgot that Steve was still in the room.

I promptly stopped when we were about one foot from each other, letting her take the last step towards me. Her head, as far back as it could get, made me feel powerful. She seemed so submissive, small, and fragile that she was begging to be dominated. I started to wonder how far I could push her in bed and how much I was able to do to her or make her do for me.

Astraea's small hand found my chest, and it was the best feeling I have ever felt. I didn't want to think about how amazing it would be to have her naked skin on mine. My head was clouded with sexual and dirty thoughts—thoughts about how I wanted to make my little angel such a mess underneath me that she would be screaming, begging for me to make her mine. How I wanted to watch her reaction to all the impure things I could do to her and all the pleasure I could make her feel.

Astraea's POV.

I could feel the pure muscle under his shirt. I started to feel a wet feeling between my thighs. I looked up into my soulmate's eyes (whose name I had yet to know). They were dark, the same kind of dark as Steve's. He broke eye contact with me to look over at Steve, it was like they had a silent conversation with just their eyes.

"What's your name?" I asked quietly. As my hand traveled lower, his eyes quickly moved down to mine. "Loki Laufeyson, prince of Asgard, rightful king of Jotunheim." "So, you're a king?" I said naively, "Darling, I'm a god." He breathed, dominance lacing his voice as he grabbed my chin, guiding my lips in the direction of his.

I stood up on my tippy-toes, but I still wasn't tall enough to reach his lips. With a slight smirk on his face as he spoke, "Want a kiss, darling?" suddenly I felt shy in front of my desirable soul mate, but I stood my ground. "mhm" I hummed while nodding my head, and a smile spread on his face. He leaned down to meet my lips in a short but loving peck. It was like watching the fireworks on July 4th, it was warm and comforting.

Loki pulled back and smiled, showing his pearly whites. It felt like something in my mind was snapping. I don't know what's happening to me, I felt so overwhelmed, and yet I craved more touch. A light whine left me in discomfort. "What's wrong, baby?" Steve asked, concerned, but Loki answered before I even had a chance. "I think someone's getting a bit pent-up, Steve." Steve walked closer to me and Loki. "We did get interrupted yesterday, didn't we, Astraea?" He hummed, touching me seductively, and a thought poked into my mind. " Peter, where is Peter?" I was worried about him.

"We can find him later, baby." Steve tried to reason with me, but I needed to see him. "Steve, I need to see him. And Bruce, I need Bruce". "Ok, baby, we can find them, calm down." I don't know why I needed to see them, but I felt like the world would end if I didn't make sure they were okay. "Jarvis, can you get Peter and Bruce in here?" Steve spoke out in the room. Jarvis was the name Bruce called out yesterday, I think it was some kind of AI. "Of course, icicle," the AI responded. "Icicle?" I asked. "Tony gives everyone nicknames." "Who's Tony?" "You'll meet him soon," Steve replied. Just as he finished speaking, Peter walked into the room, looking concerned. "PETER!" I yelled, running to him full force. A big smile covered his face and mine.

I jumped just before we hit each other; Peter caught me and spun both of us around. Everyone in the room was smiling; even Loki let out a slight smirk. It was like me and Peter hadn't been together for years. I straightened my arms out to put some distance between us. I took my time to study his features and his dark curls, which matched his dark eyes. Everything was perfect, it was happy. I let out a small giggle. Leaning down to Peter's lips and encapsulating them in a tender kiss. Only breaking the kiss to breathe, our foreheads touching as we just soaked in the affection.

The sound of a door opening was ultimately what pulled me back to reality. Turning around, I was met with a disoriented-looking Bruce. Peter sat me down, and I speed-walked to Bruce. My scenes were going crazy, four of my soulmates were in one room. Bruce picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asked me. He had one hand on my bum, holding me up, and one hand on my back. I nodded my head, snuggling it into the crook of his neck, and wrapped my arms around him to support myself.

"I just needed to see that you were all okay," I mumbled shyly on his skin. I began kissing him on his neck and jawline, I felt heat spreading over his body, and His heart rate started going up. An intrusive beeping started going off, and I pulled away from Bruce to try and see what was going on. The beeping came from his watch, "Warning: high heart rate detected." The watch spoke out loudly. This only seemed to embarrass Bruce further, and then Steve started speaking, "Should I call Tony or Nat Bruce?"

"NO, no... Steve, I'm ok, I have it under control," Bruce desperately said. "Bruce, it's too early to be hulking out, what happened now?" An annoyed voice spoke, and I looked over Bruce's shoulder to see who was talking. It was the guy who was running with Steve the other morning, and I jumped down from Bruce (much to his dismay). A disappointed look suddenly appeared on Bruce's handsome features, and I made sure to keep a hand on his.

"Hi, you're Steve's friend, right?" I said, "Yeah, my name is Sam, I'm the falcon." He told me proudly. "Oh, so you're like a furry, that's totally cool. I have a friend who-" I was cut off by Sam. "I. AM. NOT. A. FURRY." "But you said you're a falcon?" "THE FALCON" he corrected me. "She doesn't know about us, Sam," Steve said, amused. "How can she not know about us?" Sam asked. "I don't watch the news," I tried. Now everyone was confused about how I could apparently not know the 'famous' people in the room with me, I just giggled it off. 

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