Left Arm

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Tony's POV.

I woke up late today; my night had been filled with terror. Seeing my soulmate in such a fragile state awoke some deep emotions in me that i haven been in contact with since my dad died. I walked to the kitchen to get something to drink, i rubbed my hands over my face trying to get rid of the tiredness from sleep. 

"Hey Tony," Steve said to me a soon as i was in eyesight. "mornin" i mumbled tiredly, "Do you wanna come with Peter, Bruce and I to see Astraea preform tonight?" he asked, I was quick to turn around to look at him "yeah absolutely, when do we leave?" I asked "In about an hour" he spoke back. I nodded and exited the kitchen.


"Are you ready to leave" Steves head popped into my room, I got up from my bed and headed towards him in response. Bruce and Peter were already waiting for us, Peter was practically bouncing off the walls. "Someones excited huh?" I mused. "How could I not be? We're seeing Astraea soon" I smiled down at him while he spoke excitedly, as we stepped into the elevator. "Are you guys ok after last night?" Steve asked gently, Peter and Bruce both answered that they were fine after seeing her earlier that morning. Their gaze turned to me, and I looked down, not feeling ready to share my emotions. Just as Steve was about to ask me, the elevator opened, and I was quick to step out.

Nobody questioned me further, as we started walking towards the bar. It wasn't a long walk from the tower—about a 10-minute walk. As we got there, a long queue was starting to form. We got in the line, 

"Is this normal?" I asked, and Bruce replied, "Last night it was longer". Astraea must be a fantastic singer for this many people to gather around to hear her.

We reached the bouncer soon "IDs" I showed him mine and walked into the bar. Steve followed after me, with Bruce and Peter behind him. We found a table not too far from the stage. I could feel myself starting to get nervous, i felt like i horny teenager about to get laid for the first time. That feeling quickly vanished when a big buff guy walked up to our table 

"WHERE IS SHE?" He spoke with a french accent "What do you mean?" Steve asked back, "I know you took her, you sick freaks; tell me where she is" I started to get frustrated "Who are you?" i asked bitterly "Im Daniel, Astraea's brother, who are you?" He asked back in the same tone, "Im her soulmate"

He looked at me, questioning my truthfulness. "Where is she" he pressed again. Bruce spoke up. "She left our place early this morning to go to work" He was starting to look worried, realising we didn't know where she was. A mild panic was starting to spread throughout our group, "Give me your phone" He looked hesitant be gave it to me, I found her contact info and sent it to my own. I started to track it. "Its two blocks away from the tower" I said. A quick glance was passed around the table before we all got up. We left the bar heading towards the location.

When we reached it, Peter found her phone on the ground; the screen was smashed. I saw tears in his eyes, and I reached fast, pulling him in for a hug. "Shhh, it's alright; we'll find her. Don't worry." I was trying to comfort him while also calming myself down. I rubbed my hands up and down his back. Steve was starting to call the rest of the guys back at the tower to tell them what was going on. It was pure chaos.

We went back to the tower with Daniel still with us. Loki and Pietro were sitting in silence, looking down on the floor. We had just entered when JARVIS notified us that we had been sent a video. We sat down on the couch before it started playing.

A female voice could be heard screaming in pain, the camera focused and it became clear that is was Astraea screaming. A doctor walked up to her taking out a mouth guard from her mouth "Whats ur name?" He asked in broken english, "Astraea" she answered. It when on four more times, she got electrocuted every time, before she couldn't answer anymore "she ready" The doctor spoke, the video was cut off.

I looked around the room seeing most of the guy crying or with tears in their eyes, just as i was about to speak a picture popped up on screen. Steve jumped up from his seat, "THATS BUCKY" he yelled. It was a picture of them laying in a small dirty bed, it looked like he was trying to protect her even in his sleep.

Steve spoke in a shaky voice "We have to find them, quickly"

Astaea's POV.

I woke up to strong arms wrapped around me, I felt safe and warm. I nuzzled in to the person cuddling me. "Доброе утро" He spoke softy to me "hmm Где я?" I asked sleepily "я не знаю" he answered, I probed myself up on my elbows looking around. My brows furrow not recognising where I was, I looked down on the man in bed with me "как тебя зовут?" he also looked confused "я не могу вспомнить" I became sad, also not knowing my name. The man sat up, shielding me behind him. I looked up from over his shoulder.

I saw the Doctor from yesterday: "нам понадобится девушка-солдат, отдай мне." The doctor spoke, "нет" The man protecting me said, I shifted so I was more behind him than before, I held onto him seeking comfort. "Хорошо, тогда нам придется сделать это по-плохому" The doctor spoke growing impatient, "зайди и возьми ее" The doctor said to five guards. They went into our cell ripping me away from him. I started screaming and fighting to get back to him. "Нет, HET ОТПУСТИ МЕНЯ!" I was hitting and scratching at them to let me go. But I was dragged out of the cell and down the hall to an operating room.

"I see you've grown fond of the soldier" A guy spoke from inside the room, "LET ME GO" i scream while they were starting to tie me down. The guy ignored my screams, "since you two seem to like each other so much, i've decided to make you more alike." A sinister smile formed on his face, "I hope you don't use your left arm much" A sick laugh echoed in the room, a mask was placed over my mouth as i started to get tired. "Sleep tight" was the last thing i heard before i blacked out.

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