Panic Attacks.

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Peters POV.

As I lay there with Astraea on top of me, I looked up and was met with two angry sets of eyes. "I know you guys are mad, but you have to understand that I couldn't just stay at home. I had to go see her, I had to." A lone tear slipped from my eye. "Peter, stop. We understand, right, Steve?" "It was wrong that you came here, Astraea has been through a lot today. You just had to be greedy and come here today, we talked about it, and you knew you would have met her soon. Now she's asleep on you, clearly drained from all the emotions she's had to work through today." Steve ranted.

Guilt overtook me; he was right; I hadn't thought of Astraea I only thought of myself. I feel terrible now. I looked down at the innocent angel lying on my chest. She was truly beautiful, and I can't wait to get to know her.

"What are we going to do now?" I questioned, looking back up at them. "Well, I guess we could take her back to the tower," Steve responded. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Bruce intervened: "I mean, most of us know her by now, we could put her on your floor, but nobody goes there." I offered.


Astraea's POV. (in her dream)

I had just gotten home from school. I entered and was immediately met with yelling. Walking into the living room, money was thrown in my direction. "Go get me a pack of beer, bitch," Dan, my biological father, demanded. "But I'm too young, they won't sell beer to me." "I don't fucking care, get me the goddamn beer, Astraea." He reached for one of his empty bottles and chugged at me. It just barely missed me. I scurried out of the house and headed down to the store.

I walked up to the front of the store, struggling to carry a case of beer. I finally got it up on the counter to pay for it, and the store clerk looked down at me. "You can't buy that." "Why not?" I questioned, "You're too young, I can't sell this to you." "My daddy said I had to buy it for him." "You can't buy this, your dad has to come down here himself." I just nodded and left, trying not to cause any more problems.

I walked home and tried to be as quiet as possible, hoping that he had fallen asleep. I opened the door, and immediately my hopes came crashing down. "Get in here with my beer, whore." I walked to him, trying to make myself as small as possible, hoping in some way he wouldn't see me.

"Where is it, huh?" I didn't answer him, he grabbed my arms and yelled at me. "I ASKED, FOR ONE THING, ASTRAEA, ONE THING, AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN DO THAT." I just stood there, I didn't cry anymore, not after Mom died. My father threw me to the ground, stood up, and grabbed me by my hair. He dragged me to my room and started kicking me, he stopped to take off his belt." Please, daddy... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Daddy, please, I'll do better. I promise I'll do better." I tried pleading with him, but I knew that it wouldn't stop his abuse.

I sat up in bed, screaming and crying. A person came rushing in through the door. I curled up on the bed with my hands in front of me, trying to protect myself. " I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll be quiet, please don't hurt me." I immediately started begging, "Astraea, it's Bruce; you are safe; you are safe, baby." Looking up, I was met with my soulmate's eyes. Tears came streaming down my face as I started to weep.

Bruce came closer to me, sitting down on the bed. I went directly to his arms, straddling his lap. "Sweetheart, you need to breathe. Baby, breathe for me." I couldn't breathe. I don't know what happened; it was like my body forgot how to breathe. "Come on, baby, it's not healthy, calm down. I know you're scared, but you need to breathe." I put a bit of distance between us, trying to focus on breathing. I couldn't do it, I started feeling light-headed, and I put my hands up to my throat to try and get anything away that may be blocking my airway.

I looked up at Bruce to try and get him to help me, and he understood my silent plea. He picked me up with ease and started running out of the room. "Jarvis, alert everyone in the tower, Astraea isn't breathing." "Everyone is notified now, sir." Bruce ran into a hospital-looking room. He laid me down on a medical bed and put on an oxygen mask, making direct eye contact with me. "Sweetheart, look at me, a lot of people are going to come in here. It's going to feel very weird for a while, but try to stay calm. Your body is confused right now; just focus on your breathing." A bunch of people rushed into the room over to me, my body was buzzing. I felt like I was going to faint. I saw Bruce grab a syringe and inject it into me. I was panicking by now. "Hey, just look at me. Come on, sweetheart, keep those pretty eyes open. Hold my hand, you are going to be fine." I tried to stay awake, but soon everything turned black.

Bruce's POV.

Astraea's eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she started to seize. I looked up to see who was in the room, and I was met with everyone, even Nat, Clint, and Wanda, standing looking at Astraea with worry and trying to help. " Tony, Steve, hold her down. I have to get some benzodiazepines." I got another syringe, and just after I injected her with it, I could hear Peter's sad voice. " Is she going to be okay?" he asked, and before I could even answer him, he asked another question: "What was happening to her?" "She had a panic attack and couldn't breathe. I gave her some alprazolam, and it triggered a seizure. I just gave her some medicine to calm down the seizure." I looked down at Astraea. Her seizure had passed; she just had small twitches now.

Steve and Tony let go of her, both crying by now. I looked around the room to see everyone with tears in their eyes. Peter walked up to her and kissed her lightly right between her eyes, whispered, "Goodnight baby, I Love you," and kissed her again. He turned around and walked out, everyone took turns kissing her and telling her goodnight. Nat, Clint, and Wanda kissed her cheek or her hand and walked back to bed.

Steve and I were the only ones left in the room now. "Let's get her back to bed." Steve tried to get her up. "It's my fault," I whispered, and Steve looked me dead in the eyes. "What are you talking about, Bruce?" He asked me deadly seriously. "She was lighter than a feather, Steve, when I picked her up. I gave her too much alprazolam, she should have had half the dose she had." I started crying. Steve let her go and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. He patted me on the back and let me go. "You were panicking, Bruce, you couldn't think clearly. But you saved her life, Bruce; that was all you; she's alive because of you." I nodded my head, and he walked over to Astraea again, picked her up, and stopped. He looked at me and said, "This is not normal, she can't weigh more than 90 pounds." He looked so worried. " I know, we have to talk to her about it once she's awake." Steve didn't respond; he just looked at her. I picked up an oxygen tank that was connected to her mask and walked next to Steve.

Steve put her down on my bed, and I looked at him, questioning his intentions. He looked at me and smiled. "I'm going to sleep on the couch, just in case you need help with anything, okay?" "Thank you, Steve," I said to him sincerely. "Sure thing, pal," he said as he walked over to the couch and got comfortable on it. I got in bed next to Astraea, kissed her on her hairline, and laid down. My last thought was about how tomorrow was going to go.


In the next chapter, I'm going to write more about her mental health. So make sure you are in a somewhat stable mental state. Anyway, have a great day <3.

-The Author,

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