Who Is He?

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Steve's POV.

The tension in the tower was thick after I told everyone about Astraea and my plan to see her. We all quickly agreed that not everyone could go to the bar tonight, but that forced the more brutal question. "Who gets to go?" We were all sitting silently, looking at each other. It was a weird silence. Everyone was waiting for someone to speak first, and suddenly Bruce spoke up. "I don't know how much longer he can go without seeing her," 'he' being Hulk. Ever since I told him about Astraea, the green specks in his eye have not left.

"If he gets to go, I want to go too," Peter argued. "I think it's best if it's just me and Bruce," I announced. "Why do you get to go? You've already met her," he objected. "Exactly. She's expecting me." I shot back. That seemed to stop him. I could feel that he was angry with me, but he'd meet her soon enough.

-------------------------------------Time skip--------------------------------------

Bruce and I started getting ready together. Bruce had on some tan dress pants and a white button-up, and I had on a dark purple t-shirt and some black dress pants. After spraying on some cologne, I took a last look in the mirror and fixed my hair a little before telling Bruce we had to leave. We got to the elevator and pressed the button to open the door only to be greeted by Peter. 

"Where are you going?" I integrated him. "I just want to see her, Steve," He admitted. "You know you can't do that, Peter. I'm sorry, but you'll get to see her soon, I promise." I told him honestly. "Can you just get a picture of her or something, please" he almost begged. "Sure." I smiled at him gently, patting him lightly on his shoulder. He stepped out of the elevator, and Bruce stepped in.

It was quiet in the elevator when Bruce spoke up: "I can't wait to see her, I need her, Steve." " We all need her, Bruce," he said, looking at me, our eyes having a silent conversation about our need and love for this woman we barely even knew.

The ping of the elevator reaching the first floor pulled our eyes away from each other. We stepped out into the lobby as Bruce pulled out his phone. "What's the name of the bar again?" he asked. "The drunk monkey," I answered with confidence, I had made a point not to forget the name. He put it into the phone, and a GPS started giving us directions to the bar.

After a solid bit of walking, we finally reached the bar and stood in quite a long line to get in. "What if they don't let us in, Steve? What if the bar is full?" Bruce started nervously rambling. "Bruce, stop; we'll get in; don't worry." I stopped him and said, "That's easy for you to say; you've met her; I haven't." Our conversation was cut short by the security guard. "ID." he almost demanded. We showed him both of our IDs, and he let us in.

Bruce's POV.

As we got into the bar, we were seated at a small table, almost in the middle of the room. The light suddenly dimmed, and a voice spoke, "Ladies and gentlemen, Mavis." Clapping and cheering spread. A beautiful woman stepped up on the stage, and I knew in an instant that it was Astraea. It was my soulmate. GO UP AND GET HER. The Hulk boomed inside my head. 'We need to stay here and wait until after the show," I told Hulk. He was not happy, but he understood that it wasn't time for him to be greedy.

She had on revealing clothing, some men started whistling at her, and anger spread through my body. I looked over at Steve to see him just as angry as I was. Looking back up on the stage, I saw her crouching down at the edge of the stage. She placed a peck on a security guard's cheek. I couldn't hold it back anymore, anger was just flowing over me. The Hulk was livid and screaming. I couldn't hold back anymore, I started to get up from my chair when she spoke into the microphone in her hand, "Everybody give it up for Daniel, my big brother, and my bodyguard." People started clapping and laughing, and rage left my body just as fast as it had entered me.

A slow melody started playing, which was quickly followed by her angelic voice singing. "Lorsque je suis arrivée Dans la capital J'aurais voulu devenir Une femme fatale" She had a soft voice, but not one of those you couldn't hear. She was singing in French, it was beautiful, feminine, gentle even. "Mais je ne buvais pas Je ne me droguais pas Je n'avais aucun complex Je suis beaucoup trop normale Ça me vexe" As the music sped up, she started dancing around in these free and happy movements. Joy radiated from her, men and women started clapping along to the beat of the song, some even singing along.

"Je ne suis pas parisienne Ça me gêne, ça me gêne Je ne suis pas dans le vent C'est navrant, c'est navrant Aucune bizarrerie Ça m'ennuie, ça m'ennuie Pas la moindre affectation Je ne suis pas dans le ton Je ne suis pas végétarienne Ça me gêne, ça me gêne Je ne suis pas Karatéka Ça me met dans l'embarras Je ne suis pas cinéphile C'est débile, c'est débile Je ne suis pas M.L.F Je sens qu'on m'en fait grief M'en fait grief" the music slowed down again, people were laughing. "Bientôt j'ai fait connaissance D'un groupe d'amis Vivant en communauté Dans le même lit Comme je ne buvais pas Je ne me droguais pas Et n'avais aucun complexe Je crois qu'ils en sont restés Tout perplexes"

The music sped up again, and now her dancing was wilder than before, she was showing all of her emotions in this song. "Je ne suis pas nymphomane On me blâme, on me blâme Je ne suis pas travesti Ça me nuit, ça me nuit Je ne suis pas masochiste Ça existe, ça existed Pour réussir mon destin Je vais voir le médecin Je ne suis pas schizophrène Ça me gêne, ça me gêne Je ne suis pas hystérique Ça se complique, ça se complique Oh, dit le psychanalyste Que c'est triste, que c'est triste Je lui dis "Je désespère Je n'ai pas de goûts pervers De goûts pervers" people were laughing hysterically, i'd have to ask her what was so funny about that song.

"Mais si, me dit le docteur En se rhabillant Après ce premier essai C'est encourageant Si vous ne buvez pas Vous ne vous droguez pas Et n'avez aucun complexe Vous avez une obsession C'est le sexe" The room was silent before the last word, and that I did understand. I looked over at Steve to see him looking as embarrassed as I was. I looked back at the stage, just to find her starring straight at me and Steve.

"Depuis je suis à la mode Je me rôde, je me rôde Dans les lits de Saint-Germain C'est divin, c'est divin Je fais partie de l'élite Ça va vite, ça va vite Et je me donne avec joie Tout en faisant du yoga Je vois des films d'épouvante Je m'en vante, je m'en vante En serrant très fort la main Du voisin, du voisin Me sachant originale Je cavale, je cavale J'assume ma libido Je vais draguer en vélo Maintenant je suis parisienne Je me surmène, je me surmène Et je connais la détresse Et le cafard et le stress Enfin à l'écologie Je m'initie, je m'initie Et loin de la pollution Je vais tondre mes moutons Et loin de la pollution Je vais tondre mes moutons Et loin de la pollution Je vais tondre mes moutons Mes moutons Mes moutons Mes moutons" She finished the song, ending it with a fake swoon and people booming with laughter.

She straightened up her back and spoke with a light laugh back into the mic, "faut-il continuer à chanter en français ?" It sounded like a question, but then again, I had no way of knowing. Suddenly, a man beside me yelled, "English." I was slightly startled, but my focus was brought back to the stage. "English, Yeah?" She turned her mouth away from the microphone and spoke to the band. They all nodded, and a new song started playing. 


 I hope you liked this chapter, let me know if you liked the song. 

I feel so guilty asking about this but could you vote or comment? it would help more people find my book, and btw Thank you for reading.

have a great day<3

-The Author,

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