Accept Your Fate.

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Astraea's POV.

"Hi Calvin, my name is Astraea. It's nice to finally talk to someone." I spoke. "Did they give you something, Bunny?" He asked, "I don't know what you mean." "Did they put something in your mouth?" He pushed, and that's when I finally got it. "Oh yeah, it was this little paper square with a heart on it." I giggled. "Okay, bunny, if you look around, can you tell me what you see?" I looked around, and suddenly everything was this rainbow color; it reminded me of a window I had once seen as a child. It was made of different colored stained-glass and cast this beautiful rainbow shadow. I could hear somebody calling my name, but it didn't feel real. Nothing felt real anymore; it was like I was in some weird fever dream. My hand was wrapped tightly around a metal bar for support, and soon my whole body was leaning against the bars. It was like the world was on pause; I was in a world where I could just play around, sing, and dance. It felt amazing; it felt freeing.

I was in bliss until someone stood in front of me. I looked up and recognized him. It was the guard from earlier. What was his name again, Chris? No, no it was something with T, Thomas? No, Tobias, no, T-T-T TRISTAN. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Tristan. "Hi, Tristan." He didn't answer me. How rude. I noticed another man, Brock. I didn't like Brock "Hello, love, feeling a little loopy, huh?" I nodded. Tristan opened the door to my room, and Brock walked in. He walked towards me and stopped about 10 inches from me. I could tell he had malicious intentions; his hand reached out to touch my waist. He pulled me against him, and his hand started to travel down my body.

TW. Rape.

I could feel him starting to become aroused; meanwhile, I only got more and more scared. It was like, instead of fight or flight my body just froze. My mind didn't know whether I should try to stop him or just let him continue. He bent down to kiss my neck, and I just let him, I was too scared of what he would do to me if I fought back.

I looked over to where Tristan was standing but found out that he had locked the door and left. Brock started to lift my shirt off me, leaving me exposed to him. I knew what he was going to do, and I knew that nobody was going to stop him. At that moment, I accepted my fate; in my mind, he had already raped me.

He turned me around and pulled my pants down along with my underwear. I felt him enter me. silent tears were falling down my cheeks now; he had started groaning. My mind started shifting to a childhood memory: whenever money was tight or my bastard of a father felt like punishing me, he would call up his friends, and they would have their way with me. They were all sick, truly disgusting people at heart. All the names and things they would do to me, were still haunting me to this date.

"Holy, shit, your tight." Brock grunted. "I bet you like my dick, you fucking whore." I tried to block him out, remembering that once a therapist told me to think of nice things if I ever felt bad. It was such a cliché, but it helped me. I started to think about when Leo and Leila first adopted me. I remember they took me to see the swan lake. I remember the piece called the dying swan. It was so beautifully played; that night was the first time I ever felt loved.

Brock thrust roughly in and out of me. I looked down and saw blood dripping out of me. I felt his orgasm in me, and then pulled out. Letting me fall to the ground, he crouched down. "You're such a dirty whore," he spat at me. "Tristan, get in here and wash her," he commanded. Tristan was quick to follow his order, coming into the cell and dragging me out. I was screaming and thrashing around. "LET ME GO, YOU PSYCHO!" I cried. "Wischen Sie nach dem Duschen ab, und überlassen Sie dem Soldat für den Rest der Nacht." Brock said to Tristan, after which he nodded. I began shaking with fear. Tristan stopped abruptly and pushed me into a big shower room. It looked like one of those shower rooms where you can shower after you've been at the gym.

A harsh stream of water was sprayed at me; it hurt me and made me feel so dehumanized. So I just sat there on the floor of the shower room, in a little ball, to try and protect myself. The water stopped, and a towel was thrown at me. I picked it up before it got wet and dried myself off. I rapped it tightly around myself to try and cover up, but just as I had gotten the towel wrapped around me, a shirt and a pair of underwear were tossed at me. I put them on; luckily, the shirt was too big for me and covered my bum. I was dragged out of the showers and into this hospital-looking room.

A chair was placed in the middle of the room; it had restraints attached to it, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that what happens in that chair probably hurts a lot. Adrenalin rushed through my body as I was forced down into the chair and strapped in. My mind was clouded with fear, and once again, my body froze, scared that any movement I made was going to get me punished. A guy that looked like a doctor put a rubber thing, for me to bite down on, inside my mouth. The chair leaned backwards, and the big metal thing came over my face. An electric shock ran through my body as I screamed in pain. All of my muscles were tensing up, and I couldn't breathe anymore. The machine stopped, and my mind was hasty. "What is your name?" A guy asked me in broken English, and it was clear that it wasn't his first language. "Astraea," I answered through the rubber in my mouth. The guy shook his head, and the machine started up again. I screamed as the torture continued.

After the fourth round, my mind was blank: "What is your name?" The man asked, and I didn't answer him; I couldn't. How can you not know your own name? "She's ready," Said the guy in front of me. The rubber was pulled out of my mouth, and my restraint opened. I was pulled up from the chair, but my legs decided to just give out on me, which sent me flying to the ground. Landing on my hands and knees, somebody grabbed a hold of my arms and started drawing me out off and into a hallway. I just let the guy drag me along, not really having the energy to fight back anymore. A door to a cell was opened, and I got dragged inside. I looked around the empty-looking cell; the guy who dragged me here was now long gone.

I looked around the cell to try and find a bed, and that was when I found out that I was, in fact, not alone in the cell.

A.N., I just want to say how incredibly thankful I am to all of you. You guys mean a lot to me, and I know I haven't posted for a while. But thanks for reading this. I am truly indescribably grateful for every single one of you. Sincerely,

-The Author,  

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