Chapter 3: Juliet's POV

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Alyssa left a few minutes ago. I sulked for a while at Josh's bitchiness but Alita snapped me out of at with a game 'Never Have I Ever'. I agreen obviously.

So here me and her were, blackout drunk, giggling our asses off over a stupid dirty joke me found on Pinterest.







And this was constant with everything, until lot course there was a bang on my door. I raised myself off the floor, half empty bottle of Vodka still in hand.

I stumbled over to the door and opened.

It was Josh.

What the fuck did he want?

"Joshyyyyy. Aww miss Juliet already?"

Alita said drunkly, cackling straight after. I slapped a hand over her mouth and screamed at her:


Josh stood at the door realising I was drunk with no return. He walked over and took the bottle out of my hand.

"Fucking child"

He mumble under her breath. I went to grab it back. Curses spilling incoherently from my lips. He put a hand around me and led me to my bedroom. I was drunkly hitting my hands on his chest.

Damn! This man was made purely out of muscle.

He led me to my bed, although carelessly. I flopped back onto my dark grey sheets. My hands spread out at my sides. I started at the ceiling with only one though in my head.

'Damn I want a sip of my vodka'

Josh came back a few minutes later, yanking off my shoes and throwing them to the side. He threw a T-shirt I didn't recognise over my body. It was the size of a dress on me. This wasn't mine?

Despite my best efforts to keep my eyes open they fluttered shut.

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