chapter 1 😍😍😍

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this is a collab with chaotic_writing_inc  

(this is cursed)

dreamy weamy, my alpha, is coming over to my house today 😻😻😻

well, lets start off with who i am first.  my name is . . . toebith, but my friends call me toe.  well, hmm, i guess i dont really have any friends.  but i do have my one friend... dreamy weamy.  only i call him that, because he likes me better than george.  but, dont tell george that, he'd become very angy.  anyways, im 15 but dreamy weamy says hes into that.  i have blue orbs, that dreamy weamy says look just like the ocean.  i have long blonde hair, unlike the other guys.

anyways, dreamy weamy is coming over, but, im in heat.  I cant let him figure it out.  ill have to be super careful because i can get pregernant from just one conversation.  ill have to make sure that i dont engage in any of that ... extroverted stuff.

*knock knock*

oh.  em.  gee.

dreamy weamy is here!!  i hear him knock again as i go to answer the door.

"im cumming!" i yell.

i open the door to see his majestic curls flowing perfectly over his oversized forehead.

"hey bby gurl," dreamy says as he tucks his curls behind his ear.

"hmm, actually, im a femboy, and i use ... he/him pronouns!" i respond as i slam the door in his crusty dusty musty rusty face.

"oh no!" i think to myself.  "that was a ... conversation!  I might be ... pregernant!"

I... Can't... Bræfth when ur not thære (dreamy weamy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now