chapter 3 😫😫😫

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TW: SA mentions 

dreamy weamy's POV:

gEorge is cumming over today.  im gonna tell him about toebith and how me and gEorge need to ... break it off.  i cant be with more than one dog.  handling a beta and an omega all at once is too HARD for my beAUtiful alpha daddy master self.


gEorge is here!

i RUN to the door and open it for my pookie wookers gEorge.

"hey dreamy poo, i just got back from SAing little girls and saw your message," gEorge whined.

"so proud of you my BOY, taking after his soon to be ex BOYfriend i see!" i respond.

"SOON TO BE EX BOYFRIEND???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????" gEorge S(CREAMS).

"yeahhhhh... about that... im actually dating toebith.  the one i said was my sister," i CONFESS.

"SWEET HOME ALABAMA!" gEorge s(creams).

"yes," i say, tucking my hair behind my ears.

"oh... well then i must CONFESS that ive also been CHEATING ✨" 

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!?" i s(cream).

"yes, with HARRY STYLES.  WATERMELON SUGAR HIGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" gEorge sings.

i feel so ... #brocken.

i push gEorge out the FUCKING DOOR and go to my room to cry.

gEorge's POV:

drem is such a POOSAY for being so #brocken after i told him that i was CHEATING with watermelon sugar HIGH sweetheart.  he was WITERALLY cheating too!!

such a CLASSIC poosay alpha daddy move.

I... Can't... Bræfth when ur not thære (dreamy weamy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now