chapter 2 😘😘😘

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dreamy weamys pov

i went to toebiths house today.  not gonna lie ... i could smell her heat from the door.  it didnt help that ... she is a minor.  DONT TELL GEORGE!!  he thinks shes my sister, not my omega.  george wouldn't know what this love feels like, hes just a mere beta.

i called toebith bby gurl today ... she said she was a "femboy" but i dont think thats a REAL thing.  shes just ... in a phase of some sort.  shes my bby gurl omega kitten doggy minor.  dont worry, we only have to wait ... 4 years until shes 18.  but for now ... we are gonna lay low about our little relationship.

toebiths pov

i had my older brother grab me a pregernacy test... because im showing many symptoms.  its like i can already feel the baby kicking.

oh look!  my brothers home now.  i got the pregernacy test from him and peed all over it.  i waited as long as i had to and it was ... POSITIVE????

oh no :(

but... ive had sooooo many conversations during my heat.  what if ... ITS MY BROTHERS???

i gotta get a dna test now!!

i went to get the dna test... now im just waiting for the results...

dont tell anyone... but im secretly hoping it's dreamy weamys child 🥰

I... Can't... Bræfth when ur not thære (dreamy weamy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now