chapter 4 😡😡😡

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TW: more SA mentions

merciths POV:

toebith just called me telling me that hes PREGERNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  i cant believe he didnt tell me he was in heat!!  i could have SAVED him!!

man, this is so hard to deal with.  we are too young.  i swear to jebus if this is "dreamy weamy's" child i will kms.  jk im too cool for that HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

anygays, gEorge SAd me earlier today.  then he brushed it off like it WASNT A BIG FUCKING DEAL and went to deams house.  fucking bitch ass pussy motherfucking slut.  betas are assholes.  krith, my ALPHA already cumforted meeeeeee!!  hes so coolio and coolio and nice and coolio.

toebiths POV:

i just texted dreamy weamy to tell him that i am pregernant.  he hasnt responded :(


omg dreamy responded. he says...

"OMG THAT SO AMAZING BBY GURLLLLLL!!!  btw i broke it of with gEorge pookie bear omega kitten puppy doggy 😵‍💫"

I... Can't... Bræfth when ur not thære (dreamy weamy x oc)Where stories live. Discover now