Returning Back

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Capricorn put down her phone and called the female signs. They packed their things and arrived at the airport.

"Looks like our trip is over" sighed Aquarius

"Why does it have to be so short" groaned Aries

"Welp, It was fun" admitted Scorpio

"BEst trip ever!" said Pisces

"Happy but sleepy" said Cancer

"I know, I loved it too but we need to go back to Melbourne" said Capricorn

"So when's our flight?" asked Scorpio

"I forgot to book the tickets lol" said Aries

"YOU WHAT" said Capricorn

"Well more time to have fun, Aqua truth or dare?" said Aries

"DARE!" said Aquarius

"ARIES" said Capricorn

"Whatever mom!" said Aries

"Truth or dare, Cancer?" asked Aquarius

"Truth" said Cancer

"Who d'you like out of all the boys?"

"I have a boyfriend you know"

"Oh shit, Leo right?"

"Yup, hehe..."

"Okay, choose someone now"

"Okay...uhhh...Pisces, truth or dare?" 

"Dare" said Pisces

"Uhhh...I dare you to buy me some beer" grinned Cancer

"Hey, hey, no alcohol..." said Capricorn

"Heyyy...a little bit is alright" said Pisces

"Pisces, a lot of us are underage, we can't drink!" 

"I was told to live as it was our last day on Earth" said Aries

"That's why we drink" said Aquarius

"Mm hmmm!" said Pisces

"Guys-know What? Forget it...let's just chill on the seats for a while" sighed Capricorn

"I'll go book the tickets" said Aries

Pisces brought some chips while Aquarius brought some Red Bull. Capricorn was reading a novel and was glad Taurus wasn't here to chuck the novel at someone (Gemini). Cancer and Scorpio were quiet and not because they were the quietest signs but because their asses were asleep. Aries was booking the tickets.


"It's 1:50 pm" said Aquarius

"We need to go now! Flight starts at 2pm" said Capricorn

"Whoa Chill babes, we still have 50 minutes left" 


The girls woke the 2 water signs up and they ran to the boarding gate. Once they got in their plane, they all sat down. Aquarius and Pisces started their discussion.

"Excited to see the boys again?" asked Aquarius

"I sure am!" said Pisces

Pisces looked behind her seat, Cancer and Scorpio were right behind but they were asleep and Aries was annoying Capricorn. She then turned back to Aquarius.

"I've been wanting to ask Virgo out for a while now" said Pisces

"Awww! I'm sure you'll get your chance" said Aquarius

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