[ Character Designs + ' Headcanons ' ]

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[ Noah Sterecra. ]

Design :

( art by me )

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( art by me )

Age ; 17
  [ Birthday — November 18 ]

Pronouns : He/Him

Height : 5'9

Headcanons [ for this AU ]

Noah, a rather unusual boy.  He is rather antisocial, he keeps to himself.

His interests were once only in books of romance, but when another boy moved nearby, his entire focus became [him].

Noah only has [two] friends. ( Owen and Izzy [somewhat])

[ Cody "EJ" Anderson. ]

Design :

( art by me )

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( art by me )

Age : 16
[ Birthday — April 1 ]

Pronouns : He/Him

Height : 5'3

Headcanons [ for this AU ]

Cody has [undiagnosed] ADHD.

He enjoys talking a lot, and says some unhinged stuff. He keeps to himself most times, but when someone allows him to, he will explode with a full story about how he got a can stuck on his hand.

Cody has only 1 friend ( Gwen ) , and a 3 aquintances ( Trent , Harold , and Justin .)

( Main Characters is all I'm showing for now . )

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