Chapt. 8 🥀

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It was time. The plan was set into motion.

The girls all drove off to the location that Sierra had sent Gwen, prepared for whatever was to happen.  Once they arrived, Gwen and Heather got out of the car, sneaking up to Noah's apartment door.

As soon as they got there, Heather began working on the door immediately, getting it opened in seconds. Gwen immediately ran inside the building, searching the rooms until she found both Sierra and Cody. Poor Cody, he was bruised up and had scars all over his body..He must be in so much pain .. Sierra's hair was gone again, and she had a few bruises along her face, as well as a large gash across her chest. It looked like it would get infected if not treated soon enough..

" OH MY GOSH, GWEN!! YOU GOT MY MESSAGE!! " Sierra said, still filled with energy. Tears began to form, slowly falling down her cheek. She seemed extremely happy that Gwen was finally here.

Gwen untied Sierra, and went to Cody's side.

" Oh god .. H- He isn't dead ... is he ? " Gwen looked to Sierra, looking for reassurance.

" He still has a pulse , he . has a chance. " Sierra muttered, picking up Cody immediately.

" We need to leave now. " Sierra stated, limping out the door.

Gwen followed behind, being careful of her surroundings.

But, something stopped her. As Gwen continued to walk, someone grabbed her shoulder roughly.

" AH- What the hell!? " She shouted, gasping as she felt something stabbing her.

" FUCKING DIE BITCH. YOU DONT DESERVE TO BE ALIVE YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS GOTHY SLUT. DIE DIE DIE DIE. " Shouted Noah, who was gripping a knife tightly, stabbing Gwen repeatedly. He didn't stop until she passed out.

Courtney, who was in the car, called the police and kept the recording.

Noah, realizing he might be caught, tried to escape, but Heather immediately stopped him. She managed to make him drop his knife, picking it up as she pointed it against Noah's neck.

" You fucking bastard. " She whispered to him.

" GET OFF OF ME YOU PREPPY WANNABE WHORE. " Noah yelled, trying to get away from Heather.

Heather just mushed her foot into Noah's back harder, making sure he felt her heels.


" Shut the fuck up, you literally kidnapped MY fucking brother and clearly abused him. What is fucking wrong with you. I should kill you, but I won't. You can suffer longer in jail you bitch. " Heather muttered out.

Soon, police sirens could be heard.

Everyone, but Noah, was relieved, finally, this nightmare would be over, but . . What about Gwen? What happens to Gwen after all this? Is she dead?

┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .
Time Skip.
┊ ┊⋆ ┊ .

Cody, Gwen, and Sierra were rushed to the hospital.

Sierra made a quick recovery as the injuries she suffered weren't fatal, except the gash in her chest. It was going to leave a really big scar, one that wouldn't ever go away.

Cody wasn't doing too well, but is believed he'll make it. The injuries he suffered were bad, but not too bad to completely hurt him. Some scars would last forever, never leaving no matter what he would do.

Gwen, on the other hand, didn't make it at all. She suffered 13 stab wounds to the upper back, and each wound got deeper and larger. She was already dead the moment she dropped. She died protecting the person she loved.

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