forty three

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At study hall, Heather was focusing on her studies as she heard Pansy asking Draco about his arm causing her to roll her eyes at the lovesick girl. She hates Draco, but she knows it will never be Pansy. She ignored them as she continued her studies. Her mind going back to the date with George.

Ron started speaking causing Heather to look at him till someone spoke about the sighting of Sirius Black causing her to get up and walk to the paper. She never asked questions as she looked at the paper. She had this feeling that there is a reason why he was coming to her. Heather looked at her house mates as they didn't know where exactly he is or if he is coming to Hogwarts.
Standing with her house mates in Lupins class, they all stood staring at the wardrobe that was moving because of what was inside. "Intriguing, isn't it?" Lupin asked them. "Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?"

"That's a boggart, that is." Dean answered.

"Very good, Mr. Thomas." Lupin says. "Now, can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?"

Heather had a bad feeling about this boggart. She heard Ron causing her to look at Hermione as she was speaking. She wondered where did she come from, but wasn't going to ask. She continued listening to Lupin and had to repeat with everyone else. "Riddikulus!"

She repeated it louder as she didn't want to be in here or face the boggart because she knew what was going to happen. First was Neville. He's fear was Snape and she understands. Heather watched as Neville was getting ready to face his fears, but Heather, she didn't like her fear. Her fear was something she never confessed to Ron or Hermione.

Seeing the door open, she saw Snape and laughed as Neville got it. Having to firm a line, Heather smiled as Ron was in front. She couldn't wait for Ron to do his. Hearing music calmed Heather, but she knew it wasn't long till it was her turn. Lupin looked at Heather and could tell that she was nervous.

"Step up! Step up!" Lupin says as he saw Heather was next.

Taking a deep breath in, she stepped forward. The boggart went from the jack in a box to her friend's dead. Heather didn't do the magic, she screamed as she fell to the floor causing Lupin to stand in front of the young girl. "Riddikulus!" He says as the boggart turned into a full moon before turning into a balloon. "Uh, that's enough for today." He tells the class after the boggart went back inside. "Get your books from the back of the class."

Heather was crying as she couldn't believe what she saw. Ron walked over to her as did Hermione. Lupin knew this girl's fear was death of her loved ones.
George ran to where Heather was with Fred. They saw Ron and Hermione hugging her. Seeing them, Heather moved from Ron and Hermione to run and jump in George's arms as Fred hugged them too. "We're alive, Heather." Fred says. "You'll never get rid of us."

"I don't want to either." She tells them. "You guys are the only family I have." She looked at Ron and Hermione. "We stick together."

"For the rest of our lives."

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