Chapter 3

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Hey guys, 20 reads?!? I love yous!! Haha, this is gonna be a cool chappie, with loads of new stuff and even a new POV. Hope you enjoy!


Louis POV


As the Range Rover roared into life I had to stop myself from eyeing livi. Even though I had had girlfriends before, she was something else!

"Concentrate on the road Louis!" Jazz piped up.

Then livi reached for the volume button on the radio and I laughed as one of my songs came on.

*Olivia's POV*

"And here we have I would by one direction" the radio guy spoke. Louis laughed and we both hummed along.

"Lately I've found myself thinking

Been dreaming about you alot.."

Jazz started to sing and I couldn't help but sing along with my best friend.

"And up in my head I'm your boyfriend but that's one thing you've already got" me and Jazz sang at the top of our voices. Because we were singing I didn't notice we had reached our destination.. a chicken restaurant.

Before we got out the car Louis warned me and jazz " heads down around the paps, or else you'll get some bad photos in the tabloids tomorrow." Once we were in the place, we were ushered to the booth at the back and there sat 4 guys, otherwise known as Niall, Harry, Liam and Zayn.

I could feel myself becoming faint from the inside nervousness and general craziness of this situation, but I know what trouble fainting in front of superstars can get me into.

Best not pull another one of those eh?

(2hrs later) *Louis's POV*

We had had the best night ever, just laughing and acting like we had all known each other for years.

But something fishy was going on and it was pretty obvious who was behind it. Jazz. She had left about half an hour ago and had slowly but surely got the boys to follow suit with texts and calls until it was just me and Olivia left.

Livi had come to sit beside me about 10 minutes ago because the table was huge and we could hardly hear each other over the music playing in the background, which was surprisingly loud.

"so..." I said, breaking the silence that had started between us, "Tell me about you."

"What do you want to know?" she asked, not in the least bit shy.

"Everything." I answered simply, hoping for an answer.

"Fine," she said, starting to talk, "My full name is Olivia Scarlett Crossley, I'm 18 years old, my birthday is the 1st of November and I have a twin brother. Oh, and I can't sing to save my life, even though I love to sing. Loudly. All the time. Now it's your turn." I laughed at her last statement but I started to tell her everything about me, everything.

Suddenly a song came on that made us both laugh, "How many times can this happen in one night?", Livi asked, but this time the lyrics meant something to me, and I wish I could say the words to her face. Not through a recording. It was "change my mind", and as I quietly hummed along, I meant every word I couldn't say.

"The end of the night

We should say goodbye

But we carry on

While everyone's gone

Never felt like this before-ore

Are we friends or are we more?

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