Chapter 8

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SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!!!! I'm such an awful person. You guys got me to 253 reads and I said 200 and I still haven't updated and THANKYOU!! And I'm sorry and awe I'll just get to the chapter...


~Chapter 7~

*Jazz's POV*

I woke up to the lovely sound of my best friend's yelling floating -or crashing- up the stairs to my room.

I went to grab my extra pillow from the other side of my double bed, but it wouldn't budge. I was instantly wide awake and I sat up to get a better look at the offending feathery comfort item. As it turns out, it was the certain Bradford boy who was laying on the item that was stopping my (albeit not the strongest) grip from sheilding my ears.


I quickly scrolled through my memories of the night before, remembering the short argument that went on between Zayn and I (Both of us insisting the other took the bed). I had eventually won the argument, took a blanket and slept on the floor.

So how the hell did I end up in the bed, with Zayn sleeping on the duvet beside me.

Livi's shouting broke through my train of thought- "SERIOUSLY HARRY, MY EYES MY EYES!"

What. Happened. Now.

I ran down the stairs and through the door to the living room, still in my flimsy - seriously sexy (not)- cookie monster PJ's and instantly wished I had closed my eyes.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUC- FUDGE HARRY?! PUT THAT AWAY RIGHT NOW." I screamed, shielding my face. Harry was sitting on my (BRAND NEW) brown couch. Completely. Naked.

"what?" he answered innoce- cheekily, "not enjoying the veiw?"

I walked over to the smirking boy, who had thankfully pulled a blanket over himself, and smacked him hard on the back of his head.

"No, Curly. No one was." I answered his cocky statement. His face seemed to fall a little at my joking statement, he fixed it quickly but I saw it.

"So.." Liam started awkwardly, maybe it wasn't just me that saw it then, "Where's Zayn?"

"Still asleep on my bed," I started, but was interrupted by a gasping Harry,


"Err, Haz, calm your curls." Livi laughed and he glared at her.

"ON my bed Harry, not IN my bed. He slept on my doona." Harry visibly relaxed, and I laughed.

"It was weird though, I vividly remember getting a blanket, a pillow and sleeping on the floor."

"Zayn let you sleep on the floor?!" he asked, shocked.

"obviously not for long." Niall butted in as he was making his breakfast in the adjoining kitchen.

I decided to get myself out of this situation, shouting , "I CALL THE BATHROOM!" and running up the stairs faster than a cheetah on steroids.

I ran into the shower and turned the dial to 'extremely hot' and stood under the scalding water.

Then I realised the door was unlocked.

There was an all too male whistling noise coming from outside and Zayn all too innocently walked inside.

My shower is glass.

Well this is awkward.

"Oh, um, sorry Jazz, err, I'll just be, um, going, err - yeah." Although this wasn't one of the most desirable situations I had ever been in, I wasn't shy in any way, and this was definitely more uncomfortable for Zayn than me. So I decided to have a bit of fun with the poor boy.

"Why? Not enjoying the view?" the look on his face was priceless as he stuttered for words.

"No! Um, yes, er, umm" he ran his hand through his hair and carried on rambling, "umm, er, OH FOR GODS SAKE JAZZ JUST LET ME GO!"

I just about fell over laughing and let the poor boy leave, which he did quickly and gratefully. I heard him stumble into Olivia and stutter some more rubbish on his way out.

Subsequently, Livi screamed, quite loudly,


I laughed again, quickly pulling on my dressing gown and running down the stairs to "explain myself".

I walked through the open door to the kitchen/living room and sat down on the couch next to Harry, who then asked me why his mate was a "babbling mess".

"simple." I answered their questioning looks, "he walked into the bathroom when I was in the shower and my shower is clear glass."

Livi and Caitlin just fell about laughing while the boys' jaws dropped. "So, he saw you, err," Liam scratched the back of his neck, "Naked?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"No wonder the pretty boy's heads in a twist." stated Lou, "After all that."

I threw a pillow at his head, but I, being me, missed and it ended up hitting Harry smack in the side of the cranium.

"OH ITS ON!" Louis screamed, jumping into Harry's arms jokingly, "NO ONE HURTS HARRY! HE'S MINE!"

"NUH UH UH, HE'S MINE BRO." I shouted back and grabbed Harry's arm, pulling him towards me.

Well this should be interesting.



(The edit fairy has been to this chapter. Sadly she couldn't be bothered to change the last paragraph of shit)

Hey guys, Lucy here! .How are you? I'm AMAZING because you guys got me to OVER 250 READS!! I LOVE YOU!!! anyway, I'm really really sorry I didn't update when I said I would. I'm on holiday and I've just been really busy. But again, I Love you and thank you and I love you more lol.

3 Votes for another chapter xxxx

Love~ Lucy xx

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