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Abhimanyu Pandav

I am the eldest son in my family. I am also the CEO of my father's company. I am not a fun jolly type. I was but that was long time ago. Now the only thing that keeps me alive is my work. Why am I like this? Its because of her. I loved her with all my heart and she loved me to but things changed and suddenly she left. No one knew what happened. From then on I have been like this. My father always asks me to move on but what does he know about love. The woman he married, my mother, left him without even batting an eye. All my mother ever wanted was money and thats what I thought about everyone till I met her. Now my family had enough of me and have no forced me to marry. I don't even know the name of the woman I am marrying but I do know she can never replace her in my heart.

Rudraksh Pandav

I am the second eldest son in my family. Me and Abhi have an elder sister. I am a singer. Not just any singer a well known singer. Everyone knows me. Me and parents always fought over this. I love my parents but sometimes they hard to win over. Now seeing the amount of fame I have they have stopped complaining but they did make me promise to take my father's company after he becomes old enough to stop working. I said yes to make him stop speaking. I am dating one of the renowned neurologist, Preesha. Me and her are going to marry soon but her family gave us a very stupid condition of wanting their second daughter also married into this family.  After so many tries we finally succeeded in forcing Abhimanyu to marry her and he didn't even ask her name. To be honest even I don't know her name. I just hope he doesn't cause any drama at the wedding.

Siddharth Pandav

I am the youngest son in my family. I am in my third year of college. I have a good relation with all my siblings and cousins. My father left my mom shortly after I was born nobody knew why and for the record even we didn't know. My mom was an orphan and after my father married she was happy to get an entire family. So when my dad gave my mom divorce papers my uncles didn't let her leave the house as they knew she would have no one. Now my mom has her own hospital and is a renowned doctor. My father hasn't come to visit not even once but this time my uncles have forced him to come for their sons wedding. He was about to come for my sisters wedding but he got sick and couldn't make it but this time he has no choice. Now enough about him back to me. I am a lonely boy. I don't have any friends. To me making friends is a waste of time. One last thing about me is that I hate this girl. She is so extroverted and talks to everyone there is in this planet. I hate her dressing sense, I hate how she talks to everyone. I just hate everything about her.

Suthanu Pandav Yadav

I am the eldest daughter/child of the Pandav family

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I am the eldest daughter/child of the Pandav family. I am the CEO of my mother's and father's company. I am married to Praduyman Yadav and I gave birth recently to a boy. We decided to name him Harsh. My life has always been perfect. But I hate rubbing it on others. I hate to see my brother this sad in life because he deserves a lot in life. I can't wait to see my brothers marriages. I have been so excited for this for a very long time. I have seen both the girls are they are really sweet. I know that they will make everyone in my house happy and I can't wait to see it.

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