||Chapter 8||

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Tara pov

Its been two weeks since our wedding. Dadi finally went back home. Everyone was so happy. Me and Abhimanyu haven't talked to each other and also maintained distance. He is always late and we don't have time to talk in the morning.

Right now I am sitting next to Samyuktha and we are all eating. Preesha came home late last night so she is still sleeping and Rudra didn't want to wake her up. Abhimanyu was forced to have breakfast and he is sitting next to Siddharth. Dev uncle got a call from Subhiksha so he went to attend it. We were talking randomly at least until Avneet arrived with her band and when I mean band I mean Riyaz and Anushka. Also Riyaz was having a drum and Anushka was having a trumpet. And my god it gave all of us a heart attack.

They finally stopped and Avneet hugged me.


Oh shoot! Today is my birthday instead of smiling my hands went to my stomach. Today was the day of my accident and everything. It was never a happy day for me.

Dev : Happy birthday dear. Subhiksha also wishes you she had a patient so she couldn't talk.

Me : Why did she suddenly call?

Dev : Oh nothing she twisted her ankle.

Me : huh?!

Dev : Yeah long story. Satya is with her and they asked me what medicine to apply.

Avneet : Come on Tara your birthday.

Me : I know. Happy birthday to me. If you will excuse me I have a meeting to attend and you have college.

Avneet : Oh shut up Tara! You have no meeting to attend I checked with your pa. So the plan is simple. Our parents are out of town so we are going to drink till we sleep and we see a movie of your choice, dance to the music of your choice......

Me : Maybe lets not do that.

Avneet : We do it for everyone's birthday.

Me : Avu I am not interested. You know I hate celebrating.

Anushka : Oh come on Tara di you have to celebrate.

"Celebrate what?"

Preesha came down towards us and looked really tired. 

Preesha : Happy birthday sis. Hi Avu.

Avneet : We have to celebrate.

Me : i don't want to.

Riyaz : Come on didi it will be fun.

Me : I said no. Guys go to college its getting late.

Avneet : We are celebrating and its final. Preesha are you free tonight?

Preesha : I am taking a leave today so yeah I am.

AVneet : Good. You have to carry Tara.

Me : She can't carry me.

Before I could react Preesha lifted me up in bridal style.

Me : Put me down crazy lady.

Preesha : not till you agree to party.

Me : Fine I will.

Preesha put me down and hugged me.

Preesha : it will be fun.

Me : I hate you guys.

Avneet stuck her tongue out.

Anushka : Okay now we have to go. Happy birthday didi. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2023 ⏰

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