||Chapter 6||

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Abhimanyu pov

"Marriage done."

The minute those words left out the priest's mouth I looked at Uttara she wasn't looking at me but at the flames. I wonder what she is thinking?

Over the past two days Prani tried all ways to get her memory back but Uttara didn't remember anything. And when Ma found out about this she scolded us and left to drink more alcohol. She has a huge problem.

We all stood up and we turned around to find Avneet in tears. Well I mean both her sisters are married on the same day. Samyuktha gave me an encouraging smile while Suthanu was talking to Praduyman about something. I saw my father and mother stand together. Which reminded me! Today we are going back which means Ved uncle and mother will go back to their lives.

All of us got down from the mandap and took blessings from our elders.

Subhiksha : I am so happy I got to see this.

Uttara : I am going to miss you.

Subhiksha : Call me whenever you want and I will answer if I have no patient. Take good care of her Abhimanyu.

I smiled. I mean what could I possibly say.

Subhiksha : I will come when either of you give me a good news.

I looked at her shocked and Uttara looked ready to cry. Why cry?

Subhiksha : Why are you guys looking at me like that? Its normal.

Me : I don't think neither me nor Uttara are ready to deal with this right now. Go tease Rudra and Preesha.

Subhiksha : Aside from the teasing. Tara remember I am only a one phone call away.

"You are worrying too much about her."

It was Dev uncle.

Subhiksha : Its my tendency.

Dev : I will be there.

Me : Wait what do you mean?

Dev : I have some work to complete in India till I finish that I can't leave so I am staying. Which reminds me Subhi remember everything I told you.

Subhiksha : Don't worry i remember. I got to go to the airport. I have a flight to catch. Love you both. Tell my wished to your father.

Me : You could do it yourself.

Subhiksha : Trust me Abhimanyu I would rather keep distance. Love you guys. I am going to congratulate the other couple.

With that mother left.

Dev : Your mom really loves you but there are some circumstances due to which she is like this.

I saw him look at Dadi. What did Dadi do to the both of them?

Dev uncle smiled at us and went to talk to Rudra.

Tara : Dadi hates them?

Me : I have no clue.

Pranitha : I can't believe you are married. (with fake tears in her eyes)

Such a drama queen!

Me : Prani stop it. I think I see Laxman coming are way.

This was enough for Pranitha to run away.

Tara : I don't see him.

I smiled at her and she rolled her eyes.

We continued talking to some people or in other words she talked while I answered calls from the company. I had to attend another meating. So I excused myself and went to the meeting. Since it was with my team I had the video switched off.

By the time I could finish the meeting, my darling sister Thanu came and disrupted it. She wasn't happy with me.

Suthanu : Humble people Abhi will get back to you all later. So bye.

With that she cut the meeting.

Suthanu : Abhi you got married today and you left your love of your life to handle all the people.

I just looked at her.

Suthanu : Abhi this can't continue. You can't come late home or work all the days of the week. Now you need to also talk to her and keep her happy.

Me : This is why I wasn't ready to marry.

Suthanu : You married the woman you loved.

 Me : Thats where you are wrong. I am married to a woman who happens

Suthanu : Abhi we can slowly bring back her memories.

Me : Tara is not the woman I fell in love with.

Suthanu : Fine but can you at least be next to her.

I nodded. Suthanu gave me a sad smile.

The minute I opened the door me and Thanu were shocked to see Tara.

Me : What are you doing here?

Tara : We have to take some group photo and Subhi...I mean your mother wants to leave soon we got to go now.

I nodded my head and hoped she didn't hear anything.

Tara pov

Camera person : Big smile people.

I tried to smile but it has always been fake.

What did Abhimanyu mean? Was he in love with someone else?

Subhiksha : Photo done? Good. I have to leave now to catch my flight. I have a patient to see. Satya and Karan lets go. Love you all. Bye.

Before anyone could respond Subhiksha hugged me, Preesha and Avneet and literally like a wind ran away with Satya and Karan.

Krish : Well she proved she is my sister.

Abhimanyu : no she proved that I can be really high and run fast.

Arjun : She has been running whole life.

What did he mean by that? What is everyone hiding?

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