||Chapter 4||

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Tara pov

All of us had a migraine well all of us except Dadi, Subhiksha and of course Harsh who was sitting on his fathers lap like a good boy. Vijaya on the other hand looked really sleepy.

Subhiksha : Rise and shine people.

Abhimanyu : How are you normal?

Subhiksha : This is my daily routine. I deal with a migraine and with people. Vijaya why do you look sleepy? You didn't have one glass. Well you literally had only one glass from Dev.

Vijaya : Dev didn't let me sleep. He woke me up to announce to me that we are divorced. Like I don't know that. Then he again woke me up to file complaint. Then again to ask what is his son's name. Then again and this time he woke me up saying Nikhil and I aren't Pandav.

Subhiksha : What did you answer for all of that?

Vijaya : I told him I already know that. Then about the complaint I reminded him that it was a long time ago. I told him that it was Siddharth and for the last one I just said good for you.

Dev : i don't remember telling any of that.

Subhiksha : Sleep talking. And this isn't the first. One time me, Tara and Dev stayed in my house as the hospital visit for Tara got really late and there was a lot of traffic so I asked him to bunk in the guest room. Well I don't close my door and sleep and this one. Woke me up and said I found out why you are depressed, its because you are in love.

Me : yeah I remember that. He knocked on my door and told me that I went through an accident and that I lost my.............

My voice just trailed. Oh shoot!

Everyone looked at me.

Dev : Diamond earring.

Me : Yes that. And I also nodded my head locked the door and went to bed. Don't you give him therapy lessons for that.

Dev : Therapy? I don't go to therapy.

Me : Right. You don't.

Subhiksha : honey I can't stop sleep talking. I just reduce and so far I have succeeded in making sure he is not sleep walking. So one step at a time.

Vijaya : I have to deal with this everyday?

Subhiksha : It only happens if he is stressed. So of you go Pritha to another city.

Radha : Subhi don't be rude.

Subhiksha : I care about my patients.

Dev : i am not your patient.

All of us ignored him.

Malini : Okay guys. From tomorrow the celebrations start. Tomorrow we will have haldi and day after tomorrow in the morning we will have mehendi and in the evening we will have sangeet. So nothing today.

Preesha : Good. Then everyone get ready we are going shopping.

Me : We already have the dress we need.

Preesha : I know but lets just go shopping.

I nodded my head. 

Abhimanyu whispered in my ear : We are just escaping from dadi.

Ohhhhh that makes sense.



Arjun : Don't scream. Oh hi Satya and unknown man standing next to her.

"I am Subhiksha's and Dev's friend Karan."

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