||Chapter 7||

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Tara pov

Its been two days since we got married. Well we don't talk. More like we didn't have time to talk. Today me and Preesha had to cook something for the family. Dadi forced us too. Except Abhimanyu and Rudraksh were busy. They didn't have time and practically took an apple and left. Dadi as usually made it a big scene but at least Rudraksh came and had it in the night but Preesha doesn't know that since she was a caught up in a surgery.

Right now I am waiting for Preesha, Samyuktha and my dear husband. Rudraksh is also in the hall watching tv.

Me : Are they always late?

Rudraksh : Samyuktha had a some important work so thats why. Preesha you itself know its because of surgery well Abhimanyu is always late.

Exactly that time the doorbell rang. I was about to open but Rudraksh beat me to it.

Rudraksh : its Pree for sure. Samyu and Abhi have the key to the house.

He opened and was right except even Samyuktha was with her.

Samyuktha : She forgot I had a key.

Preesha gave  her a smile and was about to hug me.

Me : Nope go change. I will heat up dinner for the both of you.

Samyuktha : Already had. I am going to bed. Good night bhabhi. By the way Tara bhabhi, Abhi comes late and also he had dinner. Client meeting. Bye guys.

Samyuktha went up.

Rudraksh : She is hiding something.

Me : What do you mean?

Rudraksh : I have known her my whole life and never once has she said bye guys. Except once. When she was in love.

I looked Rudraksh confused and Preesha exactly came down.
Preesha : Why is my sister staring at you?

Rudraksh : Because I am very handsome.

I rolled my eyes.

Me : He thinks Samyuktha is in love because she said bye guys.

Preesha : Wow thats great news.

Rudraksh : Yeah. Pree eat I am going to call Nishant and irritate him.

Me : he will be sleeping.

Rudraksh : Well I am planning on giving him a nightmare.

Rudraksh kissed Preesha on the cheeks and went up.

Preesha : So tell me Tara when are you joining back to your office.

Me : Soon. I have decided to join next week.

Preesha : Dad will be very happy.

I nodded my head and served her food.

Preesha : Abhi bhai has no clue what he is missing.

Me : I wonder why he isn't home during night.

Preesha : Rudra told me that someone broke his heart and ever since then he has been doing this but now you are here so fix his broken heart.

I smiled while Preesha ate.

Preesha : Do you think Dadi knows me and Samyu came this late?

Me : Malini ma lied saying you had to visit Avu because she had a break up and for Samyu she told Abhi and Samyu were working on a project together.

Preesha : Avneet has dated half the guys in her year. Now she has to date senior guys.

"Who is dating who?"

It was Siddharth who was practically shirt less.

Me : Siddharth we are your sister in laws shouldn't you at least wear a shirt.

Siddharth : Exactly you guys are my sister in laws which means family so its fine. I am going to workout.

Preesha : In the middle of the night.

Siddharth : Couldn't sleep. I have insomnia.

With that Siddharth left to the gym room while we both just looked at each other.

Preesha : I don't even want to know.

Me : How did the surgery go?

The minute I said that Preesha went pale.

Me : Is everything alright?

Preesha : yeah. I got the person out of danger zone but the person hasn't  woken up yet. So yes I am worried but I am sure he will be fine.

I smiled Preesha finished eating and we went to our respective rooms. I laid down and sleep took over me.

Abhimanyu pov

When I entered home I heard two sets of sound. First was coming from the gym room and I knew it was Siddharth but from the storage room also some sound was coming. I went to the storage room and was confused to find Dev uncle searching the room. He didn't notice me and kept searching.

Me : Dev uncle everything alright?

He stopped and looked at me.

Me : What are you searching for ?

Dev : A diary.

I gave him a confused look.

Dev : My mother had a diary.

Me : Pritha had a diary?

Dev : No her twin sister your father's actual mother had a diary.

I don't remember Kunti Dadi a lot because she died when I was young but why was he searching her diary?

Me : Why are searching her diary?

Dev : Her diary has mine and Nikhil's real mother's name.

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