||Chapter 1||

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Third pov

The Pandav and Yadav family just arrived at the airport. The wedding was going to take place in Ahmedabad in a huge castle as Preesha and Tara's parents wants them to marry like queens.

Suthanu : That flight was tiring.

Praduyman : Harsh enjoyed it.

Harsh :  Yes

He was 1 year old now and could say small small words.

Renu : Now we have to wait for Preesha's family to join us.

Yuva : And Dev.

Hearing his father's name Siddharth looked uncomfortable. He knew his mom hadn't gotten over him but was he that much worth?

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

It was none other than Preesha with her family.

Samyuktha : Its okay bhabhi you are right in time.

Praduyman : Tara?!

This caught Abhimanyu's attention and he looked up from his phone. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was Tara his love standing before him.

Tara : Yes? How do you know me?

"He must have seen your photo how else could he know you."

Tara : Subhi I was wondering where you vanished.

Subhiksha : I was in search of coffee.

Preeti : This is our friend Subhiksha. She took Tara to the hospital when Tara got hit by a car. Ever since then she has been close to us. Umm Subhi...Where is your luggage?

Subhiksha : I have someone bringing it.

"This bag is too heavy. What do you have in this?"

Subhiksha : Makeup and dresses obviously. Dev I can carry it now.

Dev placed it down.

Dev : My brothers!! How are you guys?


Abhimanyu who was trying to talk to Tara got a mini heart attack and kicked his father's leg.

Abhimanyu : Why the hell did you scream?

Subhiksha :  Sahil if you don't mind can you let us all talk for sometime alone.

Sahil : Yeah sure. Come on guys lets us out our luggage inside.

All of them left. Subhiksha who was smiling stopped smiling and hit Abhimanyu on his head.

Abhimanyu : What was that for?

Subhiksha : For what you were trying to do. As you all know she went through a car accident and due to which she lost her memories not all but some. The more we tried regaining her memory it slowly caused harm to her body so we all stopped and let her live her life like this. If you people try to make her remember the past I will murder each one of you. And this isn't an empty threat.

Ram : Subhi relax.

Malini : She matters more than your own son.

Subhiksha : Yes she does because she has been through so much in her life more than all of you.

Samyuktha : Very funny.

Siddharth : You haven't told us about you.

Subhiksha : I am Subhiksha Yadav. I am a therapist. Your father is my.......

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