Chapter Three - A Gentleman's Job

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Taylor's POV
Tonight's game is against the Edmonton Oilers. I don't much about the team. All I know is that they're not the most amazing team in our division and I'm hoping this game won't be too bad.

Coach Tocchet has me starting and I'm a little nervous. Elias and Brock tell me I'll do great and not to worry because I'm an awesome player. I feel a little less nervous after that.

After warmups on the ice and the singing of the Canadian National Anthem, the game begins. I skate to the center of the ice and the guy across from me looks like he's trying to hold back a laugh.

"I still can't believe they let a woman play in the NHL. You're gonna get rocked, princess." He sneers.

"We'll se about that," I say.

The puck drops and I win it, hitting towards Brock. Brock skates towards the Oilers' goalie and passes the puck to Quinn. Quinn fakes a slap shot and passes it to me, but a player from the Oilers snags it before it gets to me.

When my couple of minutes on the ice is up, Coach Tocchet calls for me to come to the bench. Elias fist bumps me as he goes out as my replacement center.

A few minutes after Elias goes out there, he hands the puck off to Quinn and Quinn scores our first goal of the night. The fans all cheer and my teammates out on the ice all crowd around Quinn to congratulate him.


The first period ends with us having one goal and Edmonton having none. During the intermission, the coach talks to us about what he wants to see in the next period and we go back out when the intermission is over.

Elias starts for our second period. When it's my time to go out on the ice, Elias fist bumps me again and I go out on the ice.

Quinn sends the puck to me and I skate down the ice, dodging Edmonton players as they try to get the puck from me. I get to the goal net and shoot. The puck sails through the air and goes in before the goalie is able to catch it.

All the Canucks fans erupt in cheers along with my teammates. As my teammates skate over to congratulate me on my first NHL goal, the center from earlier who had threatened me shoves me into the boards for no reason, a smirk on his face.

I fall to the ground and wince in pain. Nothing is broken, but I will definitely be sore when I wake up tomorrow morning.

Quinn and Brock are fuming that the Oilers player had pushed me and they skate over to him. Brock starts yelling at him, but Quinn takes it one step further and drops his gloves, getting ready to fight the guy.

The Oilers player does the same and the two start fighting. Canucks fans cheer and shout, glad that Quinn had retaliated to the player hurting me. Brock leaves the two as the ref blows his whistle and splits up Quinn and the other player.

As Brock helps me up, Quinn skates over to the penalty box. His nose is bleeding and he has a red mark on his cheek that will mostly likely be bruised by the end of the game.

"Are you okay?" Brock asks me. I nod.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I muttered.  Brock frowns

"Are you sure? No one would judge you if you walked off the ice and let the athletic trainer take a look at your injuries,"

"Yes they would. I'm a girl so they'll think I'm some weakling if I leave. I can't let them think that," I argue. Brock sighs.

"That's too bad. I think you should get checked out. He hit you pretty hard,"

Just as I'm about to argue with Brock again, Coach Tocchet orders me to go back to the locker room and Elias would replace me while the athletic trainer made sure I was okay. I sigh in annoyance and walk off to the locker room.

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