Chapter Thirteen - Baby Hughes

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Quinn's POV
Five Months Later
The Vancouver Canucks were successful in making it to the Stanley cup playoffs and are playing against the Florida Panthers in the finals for the Stanley cup.

Today's the last game and the entire family showed up. Jim, Ellen, Jack, Maggie, Luke, Allie, Cole and my dad are all here watching it.

Before the game, I go down to the locker room to give Quinn his good luck kiss. Quinn comes out of the locker room and gives me a hug and a kiss.

"Babe, maybe you should have stayed back home for this game. I mean, you're due any day now." Quinn says, placing his hands on my baby bump. I sigh.

"Quinn, it's fine. I don't want to be home alone when I could be here with your family and my dad watching you win the Stanley cup,"

"Alright. I love you. See you after the game, babe." Quinn says with a smile as the team starts leaving the locker room. Elias and Brock wave to me as they walk past and I wave back to them.

While I'm in the elevator that's taking me upstairs to the VIP area, I feel a slight pain in my stomach that feels a bit like the false contractions I had two weeks ago. I wince and lean up against the wall, hoping it'll go away.

When it does, I sigh in relief and look down at my belly.

"I know you're supposed to come any day now, but I don't think tonight is that night, sweetheart." I mutter as I walk down the hallway to join Quinn's family and my dad in our VIP box.


Halfway through the game, the contractions have become closer together and it's getting harder to hide them especially from Allie and my dad who are sitting on either side of me.

"Tay, are you alright?" Allie asks. My dad looks over at me worriedly when he overhears Allie.

"Sweetheart, are you alright?"

"I'm... fine. Really," I say, breathing heavily to fight through the contractions. Ellen looks over and realizes what's going on.

"Taylor, sweetie, are you having a contraction?" She asks. I sigh and nod. Ellen nods. "Okay. You're in labor. We need to take you to the hospital now. Come on, sweetie, let's go."

Ellen and Allie help me up from my seat and I look over at the game still happening on the ice.

"What about Quinn?" I ask.

"Don't worry about Quinn. Allie, Cole, can you stay here and get Quinn when the game's over?" Ellen says. Cole and Allie nod.

"Of course, mom. We'll see you later at the hospital, Tay." Allie says, giving me a hug.

"Alright. Now let's go, everyone." Ellen says, motioning for the rest of Quinn's siblings and Jim and my dad to come along.

Quinn's POV
I can barely believe it. The Canucks have won the Stanley Cup. I skate around the rink with the Cup above my head and cheer with excitement.

The team gets our group picture and as we're walking back to the locker rooms, I see Allie and Cole running over to me. I frown, confused as to what's going on.

"Allie, Cole, what's going on? Where's Tay... wait. Is the baby coming?" I ask. Allie and Cole both nod.

"Yeah. She went into labor about an hour ago. Get changed quick so we can get going. Everyone else is already at the hospital," Allie replies. I nod.

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