Chapter Eight - A Summer at the Lake House

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Taylor's POV
Six Months Later
The hockey season is officially over with the Tampa Bay Lightning winning the Stanley Cup.
Quinn and I were a little disappointed that the Lightnings won instead of the Canadiens since Cole plays for the Canadiens, but it is what it is.

Quinn invited me to come to Michigan with his family and friends this summer and stay at the lake house that him and his younger brother Jack bought two years ago.

Quinn told me that him and his siblings like wake surfing and he wants to show me how to do it. I've surfed a lot in Florida when I was younger, so I'm willing to try wake surfing out.

When we arrive in Michigan, I admire the big lake house. On going inside, Quinn gives me a tour of the place. There are five bedrooms, one for each sibling and a master bedroom for their parents.

There's a nice living room and kitchen and there's even a game room in the basement with a pool table, a big screen tv with an Xbox, and a ping pong table. A glass sliding door opens up to take you out to the backyard and a small dock on the lake with a boat tied to it.

"This place is amazing, Quinn." I say. Quinn smiles.

"Yeah. It is. And my parents aren't going to be here the whole time so we can have the master bedroom when they're not around,"

"I like the sound of that. When are your siblings and parents getting here?" I ask.

"Tomorrow. I figured we could come a day early to get the place to ourselves," Quinn replies, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean forward and give him a kiss.

"I like that even more,"


The next day, Quinn's family arrives around nine a.m. and Quinn's mom gives me a hug.

"Hi Taylor. It's so nice to finally meet you," she says with a smile.

I greet Quinn's dad, Jim, as well while I did meet him at the Vancouver Canucks dad's trip. Like I had assumed, my dad and Jim became good friends at the dad's trip.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Hughes." I say. His mom shakes her head.

"Please, sweetheart, call me Ellen."

"Okay," I say with a shrug.

Later on in the day, I'm sitting outside on the back deck enjoying the sunshine when Ellen comes to join me.

"Hi Taylor. I thought I'd come out here and join you. Lemonade?" She asks. I smile.

"Sure. Thanks,"

"So, Taylor, when did you start playing hockey?" Ellen asks.

"Well, my dad always loved watching hockey and he has been taking me to Florida Panthers games ever since I was very little. I probably started playing hockey when I was six years old," I explain. Ellen smiles.

"That's nice. Quinn told me that you used to play for the women's USA hockey team and a women's team down in Florida,"

"Yeah. I did. And I miss my girls so much," I say.

"That's understandable. I missed my girls from the USA team a lot too," Ellen says. I nod.

"I'm sure. I heard you and Jim met through hockey,"

"Yes, we did." Ellen replies.

"That's obviously why your boys are such great hockey players," I say with a smile. Ellen laughs.

"Yes. That's why,"

"I wouldn't tell Quinn that though. He'll get a big head on his shoulders if he finds out that I said he's a good player,"

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