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Taylor's POV
Four Years Later
Today is our game against the New Jersey Devils and Jack and Luke are in Vancouver for the game. Jim and Ellen are here as well and they're watching Ella and Kacey for Quinn and I while we're playing in the game.

After the game, Ellen and Jim are waiting outside the locker room for us with our girls.

When Quinn and I leave the locker room, Ella and Kacey run towards us, giving us each a big hug.

"Mommy, daddy!" Ella shouts.

"Hi girls. Have fun with grandma and grandpa Hughes?" I ask. Ella and Kacey nod.

"Yeah. We got to eat ice cream," Ella says. Quinn looks over at his parents and frown.

"Thanks for pumping them full of sugar right before bed, mom." He mutters. His mom smiles.

"Sorry sweetheart, but it's kind of a grandma's job to spoil her grandchildren and pump them full of sugar."

"What? I thought that was the uncle's job," Jack says as he walks over to us with Luke next to him.

Ella and Kacey run over to their uncles with big smiles on their faces.

"Uncle Jack, uncle Luke!" The girls shout, leaping into their arms.

"How are my favorite girls?" Luke says.

"We're good, uncle Luke. You and uncle Jack were awesome tonight," Ella says. Luke and Jack smile.

"Oh really? Better than your mommy and daddy?" Jack asks. Ella shrugs.

"I don't know about that, uncle Jack."

"How long are you staying?" I ask, looking between Jack and Luke.

"Till tomorrow evening. We have a game against the Oilers in three days, so the coach is giving us a little time between to enjoy Vancouver." Jack replies.

"Yay! Can we hang out with uncle Jack and uncle Luke tomorrow?" Kacey asks. Ella and Kacey both look over at Quinn and I, giving us puppy eyes. Jack and Luke join in and I laugh.

"Alright. I suppose they can come over and hang out for a little while,"

"Yay!" Both of the girls say, hugging Jack and Luke.

Quinn's POV
Jack and Luke come over to our house the next day and hang out with their nieces. My mom and dad were staying with us while they were in Vancouver for the game, but they left this morning.

I'm glad that I get to spend this time with my brothers during the hockey season and I know that my daughters are just as happy to see their uncles. Jack and Luke are quite the doting uncles and they love their nieces so much.

I'm a little sad that Allie was unable to make the trip to Vancouver this time around, but she's pregnant with her and Cole's first and the baby is due any day now and she didn't want to risk having a repeat of when Taylor went into labor at the Stanley cup final four years ago.

Taylor cuddles close to me on the couch and smiles up at me.

"I'm so glad I married you, Huggy." She says. I smile and kiss her on the forehead.

"And I'm so glad I married you, Tay."

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