Chapter Five - Secret First Date

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Taylor's POV
"He's driving me bonkers, but now in like a good way, you know?" I say, looking at my friend over FaceTime on my phone. Kendall nods.

"I get what you mean. You like him, but you know you shouldn't and it drives you crazy."

"Exactly. And now I just don't know what to do. I want to date him and I want to kiss him, but Coach Tocchet would kill both of us if I do. What should I do, Kendall?" I ask. Kendall shrugs.

"I dunno. Maybe you could date him behind your coach's back," she suggests. I shake my head.

"No way. He'll find out somehow. I just know it,"

"Oh come on. Just try it. And if it doesn't work then maybe you'll get transferred to the Florida Panthers and I'll be able to see you again," Kendall says. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah right. I'd probably get shipped off to Texas if anything. Just so that I'm as far away as possible from Quinn Hughes,"

"I mean, Florida's pretty far too." Kendall says.

"Yeah, but it's probably not far enough somehow," I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Oh well. Maybe you should talk to Quinn about it next time you see him. I'd suggest doing it privately though so your coach doesn't hear." Kendall says. I nod.

"Okay. I guess I can do that. See you later, Kendall. Good luck with your game tomorrow,"

"Thanks Tay Tay. See you later,"

I hang up the phone and fall back onto my bed. I sigh in exasperation.

Why does my coach making a rule about not dating teammates make it so much more inviting?

Quinn's POV
Before gearing up for practice the next day, I find Taylor so I can talk to her.

"Hey Quinn. Can we talk in private?" Taylor asks before I can say anything. I nod.

"Um, sure. Yeah. I was just about to ask you about that too,"

"Oh. Okay," Taylor says with a smile.

I ask Elias to keep a look out so no one catches us talking and we go into the empty away team locker room.

"So? What do you want to talk to me about?" I ask.

I'm not sure why I asked because I think I know what she wants to talk about.

"Quinn, I think I'm in love with you." Taylor says. I smile and nod. Taylor frowns. "So? Do you have anything to say?"

"Yeah actually. I, uh, I think I feel the same way." I reply, taking Taylor's hand in mine.

"But, we can't date, Quinn. Coach Tocchet would be really mad," Taylor says.

"Yeah, well, like one of my good friends once said, what Coach Tocchet doesn't know won't hurt him." I say with a smirk.

"Oh really? Who was this friend?" Taylor asks.

"Alex Turcotte from the LA Kings. He played on the junior USA team with my brother, Jack." I reply. Taylor laughs.

"Oh my word. I think I need to meet that boy some day,"

"Yeah. I bet he would love to meet you, Tay." I say.

I reach my hands out and cup Taylor's face in my hands. I kiss her on the lips and Taylor wraps her arms around my waist.

When we pull away, we both have matching smiles on our faces.

"I've wanted to do that since that night at the bar," I whisper. Taylor laughs.

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