Chapter Four - Forbidden Love

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Taylor's POV
The next morning, I sit up in bed and wince, my shoulder sore from last night. Despite what I told the guys last night, I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to practice or play games for a little while.

Today the Vancouver Canucks are probably going to post on Facebook and Insta saying that I'm "week to week with a upper body injury."

It makes me mad that I'm injured after my first regular season game. I just want to play for the NHL, but obviously some of the other teams don't think I should.

I have nine a.m. practice this morning, but it's more like checking in with the athletic trainer than actual practice.

I park my car in the team parking garage and don't realize that I parked next to Quinn. Quinn gets out of his SUV at the same time that I get out of my car.

Elias is with him and he's massaging his temple, most likely because he still has a hangover headache.

Quinn looks just as rough as Elias but for other reason. His once red cheek is now bruised and his nose is still a little swollen, a new bandage on it.

I walk over to the duo and wave to them with a smile on my face. Quinn and Elias each give me a weak smile as we get in the elevator that will take us upstairs to the locker rooms.

While we're in the elevator, I notice little cartoon characters on the band aid that's on Quinn's nose. I laugh and Quinn looks at me with a frown.


"Why does your band aid have little cartoon dogs on it?" I ask. Quinn sighs.

"Elias over here was online grocery shopping while drunk a week ago and I told him I needed band aids because the season was starting soon and I knew I'd need them. Drunk Elias thought it'd be funny if he ordered Paw Patrol band aids, so now I'm stuck using these till we run out." Quinn explains, giving his roommate an annoyed look that Elias smiles back to. I laugh.

"That's kind of funny,"

"That's what I said too, but Huggy here didn't think it was. He's so lame," Elias whispers.

"You know I can still hear you, right?" Quinn asks. Elias shrugs.

"I know,"

Quinn rolls his eyes and walks out of the elevator when it gets to our floor.

I go to the athletic trainer's office and he's there waiting for me. He smiles and gets up from his desk.

"Hi Taylor. How's the shoulder feel this morning?"

"Sore, but otherwise okay." I reply. The athletic trainer nods.

"Makes sense. If you don't mind, I'm gonna take a look at it." He says. I shrug.


I roll up my shirt sleeve and the athletic trainer begins checking my shoulder. It doesn't take long and he tells me exactly what I figured he would. I'm not allowed to practice with my teammates or play in games until my shoulder is better.

Quinn comes in to see the athletic trainer too and the athletic trainer checks his nose, making sure the swelling has started to go down since last night which it has. Quinn requests a new bandage, tired of the guys making fun of the one he has on his nose currently.

The athletic trainer gives him a new one and Quinn removes the other one, replacing it with the fresh one that doesn't have any cartoon dogs on it.

I walk with Quinn when he leaves the athletic trainer's office. I look him up and down, almost jealous that I'm not allowed to gear up for practice.

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