chapter one: Aftermath of War games

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Dominik was rushed backstage by the meds. Hailey ran to be with her boyfriend, trying to get his breath back. They took Dom into the meds room to give him more air and some pain meds. After some time passed, Finn walked into the meds room to comfort Hailey after everything that went down. He took her out in the hall as she cried in his chest.
"She it's ok and let it all out," Finn said, rubbing her back.
Hailey cried harder into his chest. She never thought this would happen and was worried about Monday night raw. She was stressed about it. Finn walked Hailey to get some water for her to drink and help calm her down. Rhea and Damien saw this chance to go into the med room where Dominik was in. Rhea slowly opened the door and, to her surprise, didn't see anyone in there. The two of them went in and saw Dom laying there with his eyes slightly open. Rhea took this as a chance to show him the video. Dom saw the two of them but couldn't move. Damien held him down while Rhea played the video. Dom tried to look away but couldn't. Finn and Hailey walked back to the room to check on Dom. Hailey opened the door to see Damien and Rhea. The two of them smiled before walking out of the room. Hailey rushed over to Dom's side and hugged him tight. Dom moved his hands to hug her back, Hailey let go and looked at Finn.
“Did you know about this,” Hailey asked.
“No I didn’t,” Finn said.
“Are you sure that you didn’t know about,”
“I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t in on this,”
“Are you sure,” Hailey said, raising her voice.
“Hailey, I’m your uncle, and I wouldn’t do that to you,:” Finn said.
Hailey looked back at her boyfriend, who was lying down with his eyes closed. She feared that she could lose him and that he won’t remember anything. All Hailey could do was hope that Dom didn’t forget their relationship. She left the room to grab her stuff to leave. Finn watched as his niece left the room with tears in her eyes.
Hailey POV
I walked back to where my stuff was while the tears started to fall down my face. I didn’t want to see or deal with anyone right now. I started to walk fast when I saw groups of people in the distance. When I got closer to them, I felt someone grab my arm. To my surprise, it was Jey. I ended up slapping him before he could say anything. Everyone watched but didn’t stop me after what I just did. I walked away as I got to the locker room. I saw that there was a note on my stuff with my name on it. When I picked it up, a second one falled out, but the handwriting was different from the first one. I started to read the first one:
Dear Hailey,
I just wanted to say that Dom belongs with his family. Do you really think your little kiss can break him out of this one? You better hope that he remembers your two relationships because it would be sad that he wouldn’t after everything you have done for him. Well, I guess we will see once it comes to Monday to see how he feels about you. Oh, before I end this, yes, Finn knew about the whole thing. I guess you can’t really trust him anymore.
My tears went from sadness to anger really quick while I read a line about Finn. How could Finn do this to me? He lied to my face and thought I would believe him about this? The note wasn’t signed by anyone, but I knew it was Rhea who left it. I threw the note at my stuff before I picked up the second one.
Hi Hailey,
I’m writing this to let you know that Monday won’t be that easy for you. One of us will reveal your little secret to everyone. There is nothing you can do to stop us from revealing the truth about everything. I hope you have fun on monday night because we wouldn’t hold back
I also threw this note into my bag before leaving the arena. I took the car and drove back to the hotel. Once I got there, I rushed up to my hotel room and cried harder before I went to bed. I woke up in the morning with missed calls and a lot of texts. I first opened the texts from Emma. I responded to them quickly, and at least she didn’t spam my phone, not like the others. After responding to all of them, my phone went off. I checked to see if it was Dom, and my heart skipped a beat. I picked up my phone.
“Hello,” I said.
“Hey,” Dom said.
“What’s up,”
“I was wondering if you want to come to my hotel room before we have to head out,”
“I would love to,”
‘Alright see you there,”
“Yeah see you there,”
“Bye and I love you,”
“Good bye and I love you too,”
Once the phone hung up, my heart skipped a beat. This was the hope that he didn’t forget about our relationship. I grabbed my phone and room key before heading over there. I walked to the elevator and hit the floor that Dom was on. I got to the floor when I saw Jey and them were leaving for the day. I quickly hid and waited until the elevator doors closed. I ran down the hall to get Dom’s room fast. I knocked on the door and waited for the door to open. Dom opened the door with a smile. I smiled back as he left me into his room. I step in to see Finn standing there with a smile. My smile faded as I stared at him. I can’t believe that Finn is here.
“Can we talk,” Finn asked.
“Nope,” I said.
“Hailey come on, we can talk about it,”
“I don’t care,”
“Hailey please,”
“Fine since you want to talk, then why don’t we,”
“Well since I will start, I can’t believe you lied to me about everything. You knew about everything, but instead, you went behind my back just to protect yours.”
“Hailey that’s not true,”
“Oh yeah, I knew you were going to say that. Guess what, I don’t care if you are my uncle and the dad of my cousin. You went against your own family’s back, but I’m guess you used it to that,”
Finn didn’t say anything.
“I mean, you know it true since you got nothing to say to me,”
Finn ended up leaving Dom’s room. He slammed the door behind him.
“Hailey,” Dom yelled.
“What,” I said.
“He was going to tell us stuff,”
“Like what on how he lied to me about everything that happened last night,”
“Hailey, that’s not what he was going to say to you,”
“Then what is it,’
‘We overheard Jey talking on the phone about how he was going to reveal the picture of us at the restaurant and tell everyone that about us and FInn being your uncle,”
“Yeah and we were going to change the photo before it’s too late,”
“Yeah and anything else,”
“Nope and that’s it, but Finn does know someone that can help us change the picture,”
Hailey nodded as Dom texted Finn that Hailey was in on the plan. Now they had to wait until Jey sent the picture to headquarters.

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