Chapter twenty six: Tears aren't so sweet

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The next Monday, Hailey only had the promo with Uncle Howdy as the VHS tape. The only reason she was there was because she had to talk to Adam about the next two weeks. Hailey rolled her eyes at the temuday promo. She hated them as a burning passion. She hoped that one day they would implode, and then she would be laughing at them. Hailey walked into Adam's office as the vhs tape started to play.

"So Hailey, how have you been," Howdy asked.

"I'm been good," Hailey lied,

"Are you sure about that," Howdy asked again.

"I'm sure," Hailey lied again,

"You know it's not good to lie to yourself," Howdy raises his voice a little.

"We all saw what happened out there," Howdy paused.

"Hailey, I know that anger always fires up when you see them together. You hated it, and you want to make them pay," Howdy added.

"I don't mad, but I get even when it comes to that," Hailey said.

"They wouldn't know what was coming when I hit them with the revenge," Hailey added.

"They are going to start running," Hailey smiled

Howdy smiled at her. The vhs tape kept playing before cutting out. Hailey was walking out of the office when Sami and Jey stopped Hailey.

"Hey, Uce," Jey smiled.

"Hi," Hailey said.

"We wanted to tell you that we invite you to hang out with us tomorrow at Seth and Becky's house," Sami smiled.

"I would love to come over," Hailey said.

Sami gave Hailey Seth's address. Sami and Jey were very pleased that Hailey agreed to come over. They had a lot to talk about with her. Seth and Becky only know a little bit about Hailey's situation with Dom. Sami texted them to let them know about Hailey. Becky sent a thumbs up, and she can't wait. Hailey walked to grab her stuff when Rhea and Damian stopped her. She did feel bad for them. She also knew that they didn't end off on good terms but still wanted to listen to them.

"What's up," Hailey said.

"We wanted to know if we could talk sometime this week," Damian said.

"Yeah, but I can't do it tomorrow since I'm meeting some people," Hailey stated.

"How about we do wednesday," Rhea suggested.

"That will work," Haile smiled.

Damian gave Hailey his address to his house. Hailey was ready to spill everything to everyone. She wanted to get everything off of her chest to them. Hailey went back to the hotel when she saw her mom was on the phone. Hailey went to take a shower while her mom talked to. Hailey closed the bathroom's door.

"Ok, Rey, we can talk about the plan," Jane said.

"We do it next week on Raw," Rey stated.

"Will there be anyone with us, and will Hunter or Adam get mad at us," Jane worried.

"Don't worry, they won't know it is us," Rey said.

"Who's going to be with us," Jane asked.

"You, me, LWO, Nikki/Abby, and Bo/Uncle Howdy," Rey said.

"Alright, and are you sure we won't get into trouble," Jane questioned.

"I'm sure, and I will give your stuff for the plan before you leave tomorrow," Rey said.

Jane heard the shower turned off. She can't let Hailey know the plan they were going to do to Dom and them. She also felt a little bad for what she was going to do to Finn. They were best friends but after everything. Jane had to push those feelings aside.

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