chapter twenty eight: rush of emotions

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September 2nd came around fast for Hailey. This was her week back from her little break. The girls were telling her about Dom wanting to talk to her and stuff. Hailey thought about giving him a shot to talk. Raw opened up with Rhea talking about everything. Dom came out to start talking Rhea down about Liv. How Liv wasn't here tonight, which turned out to be a lie. While Rhea was trying to get them, her foot got stuck in the ropes. Hailey's theme rang out, and she bolted towards Liv. Hailey speared her to the ground and started throwing punches hard. She was letting her anger out that took two things away from her. Damian ended up coming to help Rhea as Dom ran off.

"I heard you wanted a match against me," Hailey yelled.

"Then you got one Liv. next week," Hailey added.

Dom had a triple threat match for a shot at the intercontinental. He was faced with Dragon Lee and IIja Dragunov. The three of them pushed each other to the limit. Halfway through it, Carlito knocked Dragon Lee off the top rope. Damian came out, which left Dom in fear. He took out Carlito and then started to chase Dom. The match turned into a one on one since Dom left the match and never came back. Ilja Dragunov ended up winning, He and Dragon Lee shaked hands. So it was time for the main event, Hailey decided to talk to Dom during the match, but she knew it might be a challenge because Liv is mostly likely to be by him. The match between Jey and Damian vs. Finn and Jd were underway. Jey and Damian were getting the upper hand throughout the match. Jey was on the top rope when Liv pushed him off. Jd and Finn did their moves to pick up the win, but Damian was just in time before the referee counted to three. Liv started yelling at the referee that it was a three count. Rhea's theme ranged out in the arena. She hopped one leg with her crutch. Liv started to laugh at Rhea's pain as she limped out from backstage. Liv got off of the apron, still laughing and fake limping towards Rhea.

"You come out here like oh oh my knee," Liv laughed.

"I took your man, your family, your title, and your knee," Liv added.

Liv kept running her mouth until Rhea stood up straight. Rhea smiled as Liv kept her mouth running when she hit Liv with her crutch. Liv started running as Finn and JD watched in displeasure. Rhea broke her crutch, hitting it on the apron when Liv was getting away. Finn grew angry while being disappointed as he watched her run away.

"Suck it," Rhea smiled towards Finn.

The match continued with Damian taking out Jd, then Finn. Damian had Finn up for a Razer edge, but Jd grabbed Finn's leg. Jd tried kicking Damian but was caught. Damian threw Jd's foot into Finn's stomach. Jey hit Finn with a spear and left Jd to take down. Damian did a razer edge on him before tagging Jey in. Jey hit the uso splash on Jd and hit the pin on him. Jey won the match for him and Damian. Rhea was very happy on the ring side about the win. Finn looked angry as he looked at Damian. Damian gave him a cold stare as Finn yelled at Damian. Damian wanted his one on one match with him. While talking to Dom, Liv came running towards him. Hailey rolled her eyes and wanted to throw up.

"Oh, Daddy Dom," Liv yelled.

Hailey pushed down the urge to punch her so hard in the face.

"Did you see that.

"Yes liv we all saw you bitch ass run away from hurt Rhea. What shame that she didn't beat you hurt," Hailey rolled her eyes.

Liv was too stunned to speak and tried to drag Dom away with her. Which led Hailey to punch her pretty hard in the face.

"Try that again and I will break something of yours," Hailey smirked.

Liv started running far from them.

"Did you really have to do that," Dom asked.

"Did you have to kiss her and do the other things with her," Hailey snapped.

Dom got quiet.

"That's what I thought," Hailey said.

"Listen, I want to apologize for being a shitty boyfriend," Dom admitted.

"It's going to take a lot after everything from these past months," Hailey said.

"You have a lot to make up for it," Hailey added.

"I know and I will. How about this weekend I take you out on that date," Dom said.

Hailey nodded her head before walking away. She had a gut feeling about next week's match. Will Dom help Liv or not?

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