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Madison was trying to keep a straight face as they slowly lowered her mother's coffin as she picked on the white rose between her fingers but the tears still slipped through her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She felt her grandmother's hand grab hers and give her a soft smile. As the coffin hit the bottom she inhaled sharply and her eyes traveled around the graveyard as she could not look down she only let the withe rose fall down and land with a soft noise.

After the funeral she walked up to her grand parents.

"sweet girl come her" her grand mother said as she saw the tear stains on her cheeks, she pulled her in to a hug as she stroked the young girls copper colored hair that was braided into a bun at the back of her head. Her grandpa who was rather serious was squeezing her shoulder 

"we have a gift for you before you go" her granda said handing her an envelope. Madison broke free from her grandmother's hug and took the envelope in her hands. She looked up at her grandfather. 

"Open it" he said as her grandmother smiled proudly. She ripped up the envelope gently and opened the papers inside. "What's this?" she asked confused. 

"That is the papers of your horse" her grandma smiled 

"My what?" she asked as a smile almost grew on her lips 

"Your mother left her under your name" She had so many questions she didn't know where to start.

 "But why, how?" 

"Calm down now you will have plenty of time thinking this through" Her grandma answered 

"And we will answer any questions you have" Madison's head was spinning. She didn't even know that her mother was interested in horses, and apparently she had bought this young horse at an auction and left her to Madison and expected her to take care of her. She didn't even know how to ride. 


Quick note:

Idk how i like it so far but hopefully it will get better.

Important Question: Do you think Gaby or Pin should be end game.

Also im sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or bad grammar english isnt my first language so.

Tw: Fighting, strong language, bl00d, alcohole, smoking.

Im not an expert at these trigger things but i just wanna be sure if there things trigger you, this fanfic may not be for you.

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