Chapter 3 - Bright Fields

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Jorge was packing Willows equipment into his truck to take it to the stables. Meanwhile Madison was grooming Willow and getting ready to load  her.  They had gotten a lot closer the last few weeks. 

"You ready" her dad yelled from the truck. 

"Yup" Madison answered untying the lead rope thet was tied to the fence. She lead Willow to the trailer. Willow looked unsure but Madison stroke her snout and led her inside, making sure everything was okey before closing the trailer up. 

"We good to go?" Her dad asked. 

" You sure we have everything? Maybe i should check the barn again?" Madi said resting her hands on her hips. She had to admit she had never been so nervous in her life. She had always been a popular girl with charming looks and personality. But now everything felt different. 

"Everythings fine, lets get going" her dad laughed pushiong her into the passanger seat. Madison closed the door as her dad started the engine driving  away from their house. Madi was chewing her nails as her dad looked at her in the mirror, seeing how nervous she was. 

"Just breath this isnt a big deal" Madison roalled her eyes grabbing the seat belt.


The car slowed down as Madison rolled down the window and her eyes inspected the area Bright Fields wasnt big but pretty. She opened the door and stepped out. She felt all eyes on her as she walked to her trailer to unload her horse. Some girls were taking a picture. Her copper hair blew in the wind as a tall woman with dark hair walked towords her. Willow was walking on her side with her head high looking around with curiosity. The tall woman she asumed was Samantha approached her with a big smile on her lips. 

"You must be Madison Diaz" The woman smiled holding out a hand for Madison to shake. The teen girl gladly took it. 

 "Samantha right?" Madi smiled. 

"Please call me Sam" Samantha smiled letting Madisons hand go. 

"Sam it is" Madison nodded.

" And this must be Willow, what a beauty!" Sam smiled, places her hand on her snout stroking it gently. Willow jerked slightly, but remained calm. 

" Sorry shes not used to so many people" Madison said stroking Willows coat. 

"Thats alright Jorge warned me" she paused. 

" Come i will show you her stable" Sam smiled and Madison followed her Willow walking sweetly by her side.


Madison was getting her horse comfortable in her stable. Everyone had gone back to work tho she was still getting looks from everyone she passed. Suddenly she heard a neigh behind her. She looked at the open stable door, were there was standing a hairy black and white horse was standing in the door way.

 "Oh hi stranger" Madi smiled walking up to the horse grabbing his halter. 

"Where did you come from?" Madison laughed as the sweet horse nipped at her hair. Syddenly two girls came running to her. 

"Omg im so sorry!" the blonde girl said, grabbing the horse. 

"Thats alright who are you?" Madi smile stroking the hairy horse. 

"Bob" The blonde girl said. 

"No, becky she meant you not Bob" The dark haired girl said. 

"Im Jade, Madison right?" She continued. 

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