Chapter 5

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*Michaels P.O.V*
This morning Dave woke us up earlier and told us we had an interview at 1pm and it was about 20 minutes away so we needed to be ready on time.

I got up feeling okay, got dressed, had some apple juice and toast and then went and got in the van.
We set off when all the boys were in the van, we all started talking together which was a first for this tour.

We all revived at text from our producer saying,"listen to channel 6.09."
We had Dave change the radio channel and I regretted getting out of bed when heard the first few words spoken,"this is five seconds of summers brand new, today released, song. This is Wherever You Are," they spoke on the radio, the first few chords began to play.

"And this is where the happiness ends," I mumbled.
"It'll be fine," Calum heard and patted my shoulder.
I managed to zone out from the song to a stop any tears.
All the boys had got used to me randomly be really upset and even crying from thinking of y/n to much, but they think it's just because we dated for a really long time and I'm sad because I don't have a girlfriend anymore and I'm bored but really it's because I miss y/n and I love her like hell.
Have they not though about that I was going to propose to her?

When the song ended I was listening to the guys talk about how great the tour was when my phone began to ring, I looked at the caller ID and froze.
The guys stopped talking and looked at my phone, the saw the caller ID and then stared at me.
It was y/n.

"Wh..A..I..ah..," I stuttered.
"Answer it," said Luke pressing the answer button then the loud speaker, so I had to talk.
"Hello," I said, the boys were all watching me.
"Hey, Mike-..," y/n stopped saying Mikey,".. Michael. I.. I was just calling to say that um.. I'm getting the rest of my stuff from our-..from your house and that I'll throw out all the old pictures of the house will be pretty bare when you come back."
"O..okay.. you don't have to, you know...You can have the house..and the car."
"I can't, Michael."
"Yes you can, y/n. I'll go live with my mum and dad when I get back."
"Michael I can't, I really can't.. They remind me of us..and.. and I'm trying to move on.."
"Move on?" I said, my voice cracked, tears stung my eyes more than ever.
"Yes Michael, I'm trying to move on, I have to get over you. I've got to go now. Bye Michael,"
"Y/-," y/n hung up before I had time to reply, "I love you," I mumbled, as I dropped my phone and it fell to my feet.
Tears began to run down my cheeks. The boys were still sat in silence, staring at me.
I rested my elbow on the door then put my face into my hand.
Someone slowly rubbed my back, I guessed it was Luke,"It'll be okay dude."
I shook my head,"no it won't.. It won't. We're actually over and she's moving on and getting over me. I can't deal with all this, I still love her. I'm a total idiot, why did I break up with her? I miss her...If everything went the way I wanted it to we'd be engaged in 4 days.."
"You was going to propose?" Calum asked, kind of shocked.
"Yep.." I replied, tears still running down my cheeks.
"Did you know?" I heard Luke ask Ashton.
"Yeah.. He asked me if he could, because you know, y/n doesn't speak to any family other than her cousin," Ashton replied, sadly nodding.

After I could of minutes of awkward silence and my sniffles, I took a deep breath, wiping my eyes and sitting up properly, I saw all the boys look at me. The smiled at me sympathetically.

We then pulled into a car park of the place where we were having our interview.
We were supposedly late so we were takin straight to the interview room.

A make up person put some stuff on my face to stop it being so red and then the interview started.
The interviewer asked us questions like how the tour was going, how many dates we had to play, how long the tour was, the best play we were playing at, ect.

The interviewer was really snobby, she was acting like she was better than everyone and she was something special when in fact she wasn't. She then said she had some fan questions for us.
They were all questions like 'would you rather be someone or someone', 'what's your favourite something' or if you had to choose this or this', but expect for the the last question,

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