Chapter 2

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*Ashtons P.O.V*
After y/n and Michael made up, we all decided to head back over to my place.

I decided to drive us there because it would give y/n and Michael time to chat about whatever they felt like.

On the way the normal short cut we take was closed so we had to take a longer route.
There was traffic due to road works, which led to Michael and y/n having a quite cute conversation about their future.

Y/n : "Aww look at them, they're such a cute little family. They are my family goals."

Y/n pointed to the small family in the car beside mine. There were three children in the back, looking between the ages of five and one, all very cute. The parents in the front, father driving with him fingers inter locked and on his, I'm guessing, wife's lap, from where I was I could see a ring on her ring finger. They were all smiling, enjoy where they were.

Michael: "aw I think they're cute too. You have family goal?"

Y/n: "I'm sure everyone has thought about what they want in the future. I guess what I want is a family. With kids and a husband, who's also my bestfriend."

As soon as y/n said husband Michael looked it to the rear view mirror at me as I looked into it at him.

The thing is, Michael had told us boys that he was planning on proposing to y/n. He'd asked me if he could propose to her because other than being Y/ns best friend, I am like her brother and her father, she doesn't talk to her father or any of her family other than her sister.

"Two weeks" Michael mouthed to me, meaning he was proposing in two weeks.
Michael looked back at y/n as she finished talking and was looking out the window still.

Michael: "Do you think you've met the right person?" He asked y/n.

Y/n: "Maybe" She gave a small sigh, "maybe"she said again in a quitter voice.

Michael looked into the mirror at me again, furrowing his eyebrows, confused. I gave a confused shrug, was she talking about someone other than Michael?

Michael: "" He still looked confused but also upset.

The rest of the car ride was silent. I couldn't decide what type of silence it was. I could tell Michael was in deep thought, y/n continued looking out the window, slowly dirifting to sleep.
We stopped and some traffic lights and I turned to look at michael,

Ashton:"you okay man?"

Michael opened his mouth to speak, he shrugged his shoulder kind of, moving his head, and he lifted his hand a little like someone would do meaning 'I don't know'. No words came out his mouth.
I gave him a sympathetic look. I began to drive again as the light turned green.
"I don't think she loves me anymore," Michael closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths.
After about a minute of silence michael spoke again,"I think it was a hint to me that we should you know.." he interlocked his own fingers, then pulled them apart, meaning split up.
"Yeah, I um should probably be the one to end it so she knows or at least will think it's mutual, and so she's not in the relationship longer when... obviously she doenst want to be... I can't belive this is happening," Michael shook his head, resting it back on the seat head rest. He shut his eyes tight, I saw a tear slip down his check, then another.
He rested his chin on his hand, that was on the car door. I still heard muffled sobs.
"It'll be for the best," I said with out realise.

When we got to my place, Michael got out the car and went around to y/n's side. He opened the door and went to say babe. More tears ran down his face, "can you uh.." He pointed to y/n. I nodded and patted his back.

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