Chap. 14. - Redemption.

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Enemy headquarters. Fifteen minutes before:

Soldier: - General. The enemy forces have managed to overcome our first line of defense. - A nervous messenger reported.

Inside the headquarters of the forces of humanity, a select group of high-ranking officers were gathered trying to coordinate a desperate defense. But the situation was very unfavorable for them.

General: - So soon? -

Colonel: - This is not good. How the hell did such a large horde of greenskins get past the fortress worlds and get here? That makes no sense. -

General: - That is unimportant now. We have to stop them somehow. We can't let them reach the second line or our artillery will suffer casualties. -

Colonel: - That's too late. It's only a matter of minutes before those bastards catch up with us. We must retreat. -

General: - Withdraw? Where to? -

Colonel: - To the city. - He responded stony as a stone.

General: - Have you lost your mind? We can't involve civilians in this. -

Colonel: - At this point there is no point in worrying about that. If they defeat us, the civilians will have the same fate. -

Commissioner: - I agree. We must arm every citizen who can hold a rifle. Let them defend their soil as if it were Holy Terra! -

Of the four officers, three of them were debating whether that was correct. The general knew that having civilians could be dangerous even for his own allies. An inexperienced gunman was as dangerous as an unlocked grenade. But still, there was one of those present who had not yet said a word.

Suddenly, the one who was silent stood up, drawing the attention of everyone present. His appearance was very peculiar, one whose mere presence invoked cool mind and discipline.

 His appearance was very peculiar, one whose mere presence invoked cool mind and discipline

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General: - Commander Tairon. Something wrong? -

Tairon: - The Krieg guard will not... retreat. - He said with a somber voice that barely escaped his unmistakable mask. - I will lead my troops... on the front. Run or stay... That's your decision. I'm leaving. -

And so, the commanding officer of the detachment of Krieg troops stationed on that planet left the room, leaving each of those present with different opinions.

Colonel: - Those Krieg guys are crazy. Jump into a losing battle. -

Commissioner: - It is a heroic act. May his glory take him to the Emperor. -

Colonel: - The only thing it will lead to is certain death. General... What are your orders? We run out of time. -

General: - Withdrawal. - He said after a moment of pause. - May the sacrifice of the Krieg guard give us enough time to reinforce the city. And may the light of the emperor be with us. -

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